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“ You are allowed to be both -
a Masterpiece and a Work in Progress ”



This is my Favorite Card in the Deck! For me it symbolizes - Goddess Durga riding the Lion. Reminding you to believe in your own Power - your Inner Strength. Giving you a message - You are the Shakti, the Creator - the Divine Feminine and you have the strength to create change without forcing it! You are Stronger than you think you are and that the universe is behind you. You don't need to force things to make them happen. Rather use self-discipline and inner confidence to make progress toward your goals. Know what you want and believe that it will manifest for you are the Co-Creator with God. It Indicates that you have the ability to change an outcome through Respect, Courage and Patience and by being Gentle - not by Force. Face the challenges head-on and don't let low Self-esteem or Negative thinking get the better of you. Only you can stop you now!

My Rising/Ascendant sign  - Sagittarius (Lord Jupiter, Day Thursday)

Yes, I was born on Thursday! Call me Beauty with Brains! 

My Sun Sign - Leo (Lord Sun, Day Sunday)

Yes, I'm Strong inside and Gentle outside! Call me Bold and Beautiful!

My Moon sign - Virgo (Lord Mercury, Day Wednesday)

Yes, I was Born to Serve! My Intuition gives me Soul-utions! Call me today's Mother Teresa!

Why do I do Tarot on Twin Flames and Union?


My Twin Flame Journey isn't about Union with him at all!

It's about Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Self-Compassion, Self-Awareness, Self-Control, Spiritual Fitness, Strengthening my connection with God, and Freedom from the bondage of my Egoistic - Self.

Soon after I separated from my husband, I underwent a spiritual awakening

aka. Dark night of the soul! Went to the other side of the world and received a message - "I have just been on the receiving end, now it's time for me to share my Gift with the World."


My Gift was to Heal people through Tarot and Spiritual Counseling! But I didn't show faith in it and started looking for Job again. Surprisingly I got the job in the same company as my husband! We met again after two years. Soon later, I had a dream- in which I saw myself standing in a bookstore, reading a book on Tarot. Guess what? A week later I ended up visiting a bookstore called Barnes and Nobles by my apartment for buying a book - The Power of Now! Just then, I accidentally hit a stall filled with Tarot Books. Wola - that was the beginning! But since I failed to surrender initially; Universe launched an another period of Dark Night of the Soul for me! This was a huge Personal Psychic Surgery; wherein I discovered that "I am in a Twin Flame Journey!"


Watching Tarot readings on Twin Flame on YouTube became my passion! For me - it was the only source of Healing at that point. I then realized the Healing Power of the Tarot Cards and felt motivated to Honor my Soul's calling! Immediately ordered my first Tarot Deck! As I received the Deck and opened it - surprisingly, I knew the name of all cards! As if they were speaking to me! Like I already had some sort of connection with them. Without any further delay - I opened my Tarot Channel in June 2020 and started serving on youtube. Received Tremendous Love and Support from all the over the world!


I absolutely Love and Enjoy being creative with Tarot - serving God and serving People!

For me - This is not a Profession - It's a Service!

I strongly believe only a service can bring you Infinite Peace and Happiness!


  Consultation Booking Details  

  • You can book a video call reading ON SPOT with 5-6 days of processing time.

  • You can order a pre-recorded video or audio with 7-8 days of processing time.

  • A link will be shared for the pre-recorded video via email. Please download your reading via that email link.

  • For urgent bookings - Video will be uploaded on youtube as a private link  (The Price is Double the Actual Price)​



  • Note: The Consultation fees is Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable!

      (It will not be transferred to any other consultation item)

       If you do not show up within 15 mins of your appointment, your                       appointment will have to be rescheduled. Simply because all my                     sessions are scheduled 30 mins apart, so honoring the other                             appointment in time becomes my priority. Thank you!


Category A

Twin Flame/Soulmate/Karmic/Divorce/Marriage/Singles/Love

Angel guidance + Suggestion + Remedies

(All Remedies are included in the Consultation Price)

(Includes Energy Check for Both Partners)

 To Book a Reading Click on the Time Option Below 

Rs 2700 or 85$
(3 Questions)
Rs 3700 or 145$
(5 Questions)
Rs 5700 or 195$
(8 Questions)

Category B
Career, Spiritual Journey, Past/Present/Future Analysis,
Life Purpose, Complete Life analysis
Angel Guidance + Suggestion + Remedies
(All Remedies are included in the Consultation Price)

 To Book a Reading Click on the Time Option Below 

Rs 2700 or 85$
(3 Questions)
Rs 3700 or 145$
(5 Questions)
Rs 5700 or 195$
(8 Questions)


Category C

Tarot Reading Packages (Category A + Category B)

 To Book a Reading Click on the Time Option Below 

Rs 5100 or 155$
(Two 30 min Bundle)
Rs 7100 or 275$
(Two 45 min Bundle)
Rs11,100 or 385$
(Two 60 min Bundle)
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