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Why does it seem impossible to date a new man after a twin flame separation?

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

The reason why it seems impossible to meet other people after you meet your Twin Flame is because of the Soul Intimacy and the Oneness that you feel whether you are together or physically separated!

How is it different from other relation-ships? - Arrange marriages are at the Physical level, Love marriages are at the Emotional level and Twin flames are at the Soul level. Since the connection is purely soul oriented, and soul is divine, therefore it's considered the most Divinely/Heavenly connection on earth - the Purest form of love - absolutely Godly!

If you decide to quit this journey and make the choice to date someone else that means you are choosing Free will over God's will; for you are denying the divine connection. Do you think you will ever be happy by going against God's will? You can be someone else but you will still feel incomplete and unhappy. Your soul is always going to be longing for its other half so it can come back home. Ask yourself, can God ever give you something that is not meant to add value in your life?

My personal experience - I never dated anyone after my break up/divorce with my Twin (my husband was my karmic during my marriage). However, I tried moving on by just being happy with myself. But universe kept pushing me to make U-Turns to my Twin. Guess what "There is truly no Escape!" :) How can you win over God? You just can't!! Surrendering to Divine is the only option! Surrender to the process and trust that it's all happening for the highest good of all. YES, DIVINE HAS A PLAN AND YOU BOTH HAVE A SOUL MISSION TO FULFILL! :)

Also, I then dared to ask myself the most complicated question; “Zara, are you going to spend the rest of your life alone if your Twin Flame does not reunite with you?”

Of-course NOT! Then let's just keep doing the INNER WORK! AHA :)

Think of it this way, if you let go of your twin, you are missing out the opportunity to experience GOD. Is it worth it? Would you not want to feel and experience the Divinity?

YES, MAKING LOVE TO YOUR TWIN IS LIKE MAKING LOVE TO DIVINE! After all he is your Divine counterpart!

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building something new." - Socrates

The purpose of the Twin Flame journey is to learn the true meaning of LOVE! Your Twin will teach you what unconditional Love is. You will know the meaning of life, love, and happiness. Being with Twin Flame, your energy will change, your soul will roar with happiness and you will become very vibrant — I can say this because when I had awakening, people kept commenting about me that there is something about my energy. It was due to the Goddess reflecting within me through my Kundalini! I felt happy naturally and content with my simple life. There was infinite peace! Enlightenment gives you a new perspective on the meaning of life and you realize that you were in dogma before. When you wake up to yourself and your life situation, you realize that having sex with anybody or dating someone apart from our Twin is meaningless if your Soul is somewhere else. Also, you stop faking relationships, and you get rid of anybody in your life who is fake — you would rather be alone than feeling lonely with other people.

Unconditional LOVE is so POWERFUL! Stay Blessed!


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