Inner work is the very core foundation of the spiritual path.
Inner work brings light, compassion and awareness to the conscious, subconscious and unconscious realms of your being. It's about diving inward: speaking to yourself, being in connection and dialogue with yourself, seeing yourself, knowing yourself, and loving yourself.
Inner work is the work that we do on ourselves to identify and heal our old emotional traumas. It can also go much deeper than that and involve identifying and healing ancestral trauma, past lives trauma and collective trauma.
Why do we need to do it? Inner work practice brings healing, personal growth, evolution, freedom, recognition of personal power, and living in harmony with oneself and others. It calls for working upon yourself in order to align with your inner self so that you can discover your authentic nature and question everything that doesn't serve your highest good. When you work on yourself, you rediscover things about yourself that you may have forgotten or even buried to match society's or your parent's expectations. Knowingly or unknowingly we all become victims of social norms that we grow up with - known as social programming. We also pick up programming from our parents and school - called as childhood conditioning. In the process, we lose our true essence and start living a life that has been given to us by our parents, relatives, friends, and pretty much anything that we experience in our reality. When you align with your soul, you go back to being the person you are deep within. Committing to inner work helps in breaking these karmic patterns inherited by family and freeing oneself. It also gives you the courage to develop your own belief system and look at things differently. Naturally, this inner helps you tap into the spiritual alchemist within you.
Why do TWIN FLAMES need to do Inner work?
Simply because Twin Flame collective took it upon themselves to help clear out negative energies. Inner work for Twin Flames is something that is best done in separation, that is, without the influence or interference of your twin flame. Without it, we’re wasting our time. There can be no purging, healing, transformation, and awakening without inner work. You get to see yourself and what truly drives you, and you become one with your soul, not fighting it, not even caring if this fits with either the society you live in or your twin flame. That inner alignment gives you deep soul peace. You need no-one else. I believe this is what your twin flame is attracted to, in reality, the fact that you are complete in yourself and you reflect your soul. Your twin flame desires to reflect their soul as well, and you show them what that looks like.
When we do inner work, we are shining the light of awareness onto our inner nature which is composed of the various layers of our mind: the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious realms. Your inner self consists of your hidden feelings, memories, thoughts, beliefs, prejudices, wounds, shadows, and other mental/emotional conditions that influence your ability to transform and feel whole at the core level. By doing inner work, you’ll be able to move past fears, limitations, addictions, depressions, loneliness, and the feelings of wholeness that tend to plague us as human beings.
WHY are most people afraid of doing the inner work?
The reality is that going deep terrifies us!! We are afraid of looking within ourselves for the source of our own suffering. We’ll more readily point the finger of blame at others, life, god, or reality and adopt the victim mentality than dare to give ourselves a good honest look in the mirror. In some cases, we prefer to die in stubborn ignorance instead of admitting our mistakes, faulty behavior, foolishness, or hold ourselves responsible for our suffering and the pain of others.
Our EGOS are - power hungry little creatures! Inner work is like a hammer to this fabricated ego-self we carry around. Inner work is a process of eternal DEATH AND REBIRTH. It never stops – even after having attained a higher level of consciousness – for when one believes one has “arrived” that is when stagnation occurs. That is when spiritual narcissism thrives and the shadow rears its ugly face. Inner work is cyclical. It’s symbolized by Shiva and Shakti’s dance, the snake that eats its tail, the cycle of life and death, the yin and yang, and the primordial void that is both everything and nothing at the same time. Walking the path less traveled is much more difficult, much less comfortable, and much more demanding. And most people are NOT ready or willing to make that choice. Remember that no matter how painful it feels, “the phoenix always emerges from the flames.” In other words, no matter how bad things get, take comfort in knowing that the pain is a catalyst for deep spiritual transformation. Finally, I want you to understand that the very nature of the ego means it will always be against inner work. It is your soul that drives you towards inner work, so you’d do well to learn how to distinguish between the voice of fear (the ego) and the voice of your intuition (the Soul).
26 signs you need to practice Inner Work
You feel lost in life and are looking for a direction
You’re going through a Dark Night of the Soul (or spiritual crisis)
You are on a TWIN FLAME JOURNEY and need to reunite with your Twin
You don’t know who you are anymore
You feel lonely
You frequently get into fights with others
You’re always people pleasing
You’re not confident being yourself
You have low self-esteem
Your thoughts are almost constantly negative and self-critical
You feel constantly unmotivated and “flat”
You suffer from chronic health issues
You have problem in sustaining relationships
Life doesn’t feel Real
You feel a sense of hopelessness
You feel a sense of emptiness
You have fits of intense anger or sadness
You believe that the world is against you
You struggle to trust others (or yourself)
You keep repeating the same mistakes again and again
You keep attracting the wrong people into your life
You’re self-destructive and self-sabotaging
You can't control your addictions
You have many strong emotional triggers - done
You struggle with high levels of anxiety or panic
You want to be alone all the time or around others all the time (to escape yourself)
You want to heal/improve your relationship with yourself and others
There are many inner work pathways in existence right now and I don’t claim to know all of them. I can only share with you those I’ve tried as well as those that have legitimately worked for me – meaning that have created long-lasting change for me.
Following are the FOUR INNER WORK pathways, I recommend for accelerating your spiritual development:
1. SELF - LOVE - Self love is one of the more gentle and approachable inner work paths. For those starting off on the inner work journey, I always recommend self-love as the best starting place. Without building a good relationship with yourself, the other forms of inner work listed below may be too intimidating or too difficult for your wellbeing.One of my favorite forms of self - love is MIRROR WORK. Mirror work quite simply involves using a mirror to clearly see your insecurities and fears. It also connects you with the deeper essence of yourself that is full of unconditional compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance (your Soul).
2. INNER CHILD - Inner child is a form of inner work that involves examining your childhood wounds, fears, and beliefs. If you had an abusive childhood, you may feel a sense of disgust or looming fear towards this work (many do) or even toward your inner child. But as one who had a traumatizing childhood and who has done a lot of inner child work, I can tell you it’s absolutely worth all of the pain, tears, and anger. You need to purge that pain and not let it control you! Your inner child is a source of tremendous creativity, joy, spontaneity, love, and wisdom. However, at the same time, your inner child can be a source of illogical obsessions, unshakable fears, neurosis, self-sabotaging behaviors, and limiting self-beliefs. Our job as adults is to reconnect with this childlike part of ourselves, excavate old limiting childhood beliefs/fears, and integrate this delicate part of ourselves back into our personality structure.
3. SHADOW WORK - Shadow work is the practice of exploring your inner demons. With shadow work, we are literally exploring the darkest places of our psyches that we deliberately suppress, deny, and disown each and every day. Within your shadow lurks everything that has been deemed ‘bad,’ ugly, and unacceptable by your parents and society. Your shadow self contains all that you are secretly ashamed about and disgusted by within yourself. Before attempting shadow work it is absolutely imperative that you practice self-love. You MUST have stable and healthy self-esteem before doing shadow work. Why you may wonder? Shadow work can easily make you feel a thousand times worse about yourself if you already have poor self worth. For this reason, shadow work is an advanced form of inner work that is not for beginners. If you’ve had some experience with inner work, I recommend approaching shadow work slowly.
4. BREATHE WORK - In order to be on spiritual path you need a healthy body. Emotions are messages from your soul. The chakras are seven energy centers in your body that affect your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. When you begin to work on your chakras, your energy begins to flow upwards. Many people’s chakras are not balanced. They are often blocked, overactive or inactive, resulting in confusion, depression, imbalances and low energy. With certain yoga postures you begin to awaken and balance your chakras. The energy begins to move in the right direction bringing you positivity, peace, clarity, high energy, balance and success. This can be achieved by practicing various Kriya yoga (Breath Work), Asanas and Mudras - types of techniques.
Tools and techniques to come into Union with your Twin Flame:
Kriya Yogas (Breathe Work)
Chakra balancing
Cord Cutting (with your past Lovers and karmic people)
Mirror Exercise
Practice Ho'oponopono
Golden Heart Meditation
Inner Child Meditation
Law of Attraction - Affirmations & Gratitude
Cutting off limiting Beliefs
Practice Self-Love
Practice unconditional Love
I urge you all to give it a try!
You will see your life unfolding in Magical ways!!
Also, read related post - "Benefits of inner work - My Personal experience!!"