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How did Ho'oponopono prayer help me Neutralize Past Memories and Bad Karma?

Updated: Dec 12, 2022

Ho"oponopono is a process of letting go of toxic energies within you to allow the impact of Divine thoughts, words, deeds and actions. It is a process of forgiveness, repentance and transformation. We learn that everything that happens in our lives is only a projection of our 'programs.' Therefore, we must take 100 percent responsibility and ask for forgiveness for ourselves.

Say these four statements over and over, nonstop, addressing them to the Divine:

  1. I'm Sorry

  2. Please Forgive me

  3. Thank you

  4. I Love you

Ho'oponopono simply means - "to make right" or to "rectify an error." Ho'o means 'cause' in Hawaiian and ponopono means 'perfection.'

According to the ancient Hawaiians, error arises from thoughts that are tainted by painful memories from the past. Ho"oponopono offers a way to release the energy of these painful thoughts, or errors, which cause imbalance and disease. This process allows you to directly work with the original source who can transmute erroneous thoughts into LOVE. It's simply a problem-solving process. But it's done entirely within yourself.

Try operating yourself and your relationships according to the following insights:

  1. The physical universe or my life is an Actualization of my thoughts.

  2. If my thoughts are cancerous/destructive, they create a cancerous/destructive physical reality.

  3. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality brimming with LOVE.

  4. I'm 100 percent responsible for creating my physical universe the way it is.

  5. I'm 100 percent responsible for correcting the cancerous/destructive thoughts that create a diseased reality.

  6. There is no such thing as out there. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind.

Whenever you encounter a problem - Ask yourself:

"What is going on in me that I have caused this problem, and how can I rectify this problem in me?"

Problems are nothing but the replayed memories from the past.

This means - to solve the problem one must delete those painful memories.

To identify and delete those memories - one must notice that - every time they suffer from a problem, the source of the problem - is the erroneous thoughts within them.

Therefore, as you begin the cleaning of the erroneous thoughts within you by practicing - Ho"oponopono - those thoughts are replaced by loving thoughts in you, in your family, relatives, and ancestors and everyone else associated with you.

The cleaning process involves the appeal of repentance and forgiveness to the original source - GOD/LOVE. "I am sorry for the erroneous thoughts within ME that have caused me to attract this person or situation in my life; please forgive me."

In response to the repentance and forgiveness appeal of you, God begins the mystical process of transmuting the erroneous thoughts. In this spiritual correction process, LOVE first neutralizes the erroneous emotions that have caused the problem, be they resentment, fear, anger, blame, or confusion. In the next step, Love then releases the neutralized energies from the thoughts, leaving them in a state of void, of emptiness of true freedom. The result - as you are renewed and restored in LOVE, so is everyone involved in the problem. Where there was despair in you, now there is LOVE. Where there was darkness in your soul, there is now the healing light of LOVE.

Apparently, this method of healing from inside out is called - Self-I-Dentity through Ho"oponopono (SITH).

It's all about taking 100 percent responsibility for everything in your life. It's about cleaning yourself. As you clean yourself, the world gets clean, because you are the world. All outside of you is a projection and illusion - a mirror of yourself. So it is your responsibility to fix everything you experience, from the inside of yourself by connecting to Divine. The only way to fix the outer anything is by saying "I love you" and "I'm sorry" to Divine which is described as God, Universe, Life or Higher Power.

Think about it this way, when you erase something from your computer, where does it go? It goes to the Recycle Bin, correct? It's still on your computer but it's out of sight! Your memories are like that. They are still in you just out of sight. What you want to do is erase them completely and permanently.

You have two ways to Live your Life - From Memory or From Inspiration.

Memories are old programs replaying! Inspiration is the Divine giving you a message. Memory is Thinking and Inspiration is Allowing! You want to come from Inspiration. The only way to hear the Divine and receive inspiration is to clean all memories. The only thing you have to do is clean. Divine is our Zero state - It's where we have zero limits. No Memories. No Identity. Nothing but the Divine. In our lives we have moments of visiting the zero limits state, but most of the time we have garbage - called as memories playing out.

Now the question comes:

How do you know whether something is a memory or an inspiration? How do you know if someone who gets cancer gave it to themselves or it was given to them by Divine as a challenge to help them? In other words how do you know "when an event is from your own mind or from the mind of the Divine?" THE ANSWER IS - ONE NEVER KNOWS - IT'S HARD TO SAY! And that's why you have to constantly clean, clean, clean. You have to clean on anything and everything, as you have no idea what is a memory and what is inspiration. You clean to get to a place of zero limits, which is the Zero state.

- Nothing exists at zero, no problems, including the need for the intention.

- For example Weight concerns are simply memories replaying, and these memories displace Zero, you. To return to Zero, you, requires Divinity erasing memories behind weight concerns.

- Only two laws dictate experiences: Inspiration from Divinity and Memory stored in the Subconscious mind

"Zero is the residence of You and Divinity...from where and from whom all blessings - Wealth, Health and Peace ----Flow."

Dr. Hew Len

What we individually hold, memories or inspirations, have an immediate and absolute impact on everything from humanity to the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. When a memory is converted to zero by divinity in one subconscious mind, it is converted to zero in all subconscious minds - in all of them! So what happens in your soul moment to moment, happens in all souls at the same moment. How wonderful to realize that, isn't it? More wonderful, however, is appreciating that you can appeal to the divine creator to cancel these memories in your subconscious mind to zero and to replace them in your soul and the souls of all with Divinity's thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

The subconscious mind and conscious mind, comprising the soul, do not generate their own ideas, thoughts, feelings, and actions. They experience through memories and inspirations. The soul sees as memories see, feels as memories feel, behaves as memories behave, and decides as memories decide. Or, rarely, it sees, feels, behaves and decides on its own! It is crucial in problem solving to realize that the body and the world are not the problems in and of themselves but the effects, the consequences, of memories replaying in the subconscious mind. Who is in charge?

Reference Book - Zero Limits - The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More.

Zero Limits - is a book written by Joe Vitale. The book is based on the true story of Dr. Hew Len who cured his patients (300 people) using Ho'oponopono without meeting or seeing them. He spent three years from 1984 to 1987 as the staff psychologist, in a high-security unit housing male patients who had committed criminal acts of murder, rape, drug use, and assault and battery against people and property. So what did he do on his part as the unit staff psychologist? He did the Self Identity through Ho'oponopono for whatever was going on in him that he experienced consciously and unconsciously as problems before, during, and after leaving the unit each time. Dr. Hew Len took 100% responsibility and looked within himself to see what is within him that is sharing the experience he sees on the outside. When he worked at the mental hospital, he looked at the patient's charts. Whether he felt repulsion at their acts or something else, he didn't deal with the person; he dealt with the feelings he experienced. As he cleared what was within him, they began to get clear and heal.

The author also explains - how most people have no idea what responsibility means.

"They are into blame. As they grow and become more aware, they begin to consider that they are responsible for what they say and do. Beyond that, as you become even more aware, you can begin to realize that you are responsible for what everyone says or does, simply because they are in your experience. If you create your own reality, then you created all you see, even the parts you don't like." The idea is to clear the shared energy so no one has to experience it again. It's a cleansing and you never stop doing it! If it's in your awareness then it's up for you to clean and heal.

My Experience with the book - This book came to me when I was going through the 3rd wave of cleansing of my soul (aka. dark night of the soul) - deep regrets and self realization. Like someone (of-course my planets/universe) was stripping off my illusion and filling me with immense clarity about my past actions and words. My entire karma was flashing in front of my eyes and I was repenting for every single bad word I had said to my in-laws and my husband. I discovered that I'm in a Twin Flame journey and that My husband is my Twin! His parents and him had created those painful experiences for me to catalyze my awakening! So, Universe was trying to teach me lessons of Forgiveness and Thankfulness towards them by making me undergo this cycle of repentance/self-realization. I was crying day and night, releasing my darkest thoughts and fears; also becoming aware of my own false beliefs and mistakes. It was like universe had launched another filtration process for me same as the churning of the ocean. I was constantly repeating - "I'm sorry, please forgive me" on my own. I even approached my Twin and apologized because this time it was coming from within - I truly meant it. But he was not interested, he had moved on! His ignorance didn't make sense, because I was having dreams and visions of him coming back and apologizing to me. So I started researching on Twin Flames. I learnt about Cord cutting, Kriya Yoga and this BOOK! A Reiki Healer recommended it to me! As I read this book, I had so many AHA moments and finally everything made sense. I figured that Universe was trying to teach me repentance for my bad karma that I had generated with my in-laws and my Twin; which is why I was constantly saying "I'm sorry - please forgive me" to them - for all that had happened. I was also saying - "Thank you" for catalyzing my awakening - for helping me release my bad karma. Actually I wasn't supposed to go and apologize to my Twin or ask for Forgiveness from my in-laws because it was actually their fault. They lied and manipulated our relationship. So I misinterpreted the message from universe. And this book clarified what universe was trying to convey to me, which was, that I must seek forgiveness from DIVINE for my bad actions and behavioral patterns that my soul had been carrying forward from past many life times. Rather, I must THANK my In-Laws for helping me get rid of that karmic baggage. And Ho'oponopono prayer is the best way to do it. Since then I have incorporated Ho'oponopono in my spiritual practice regime and do it daily for one hour.

The idea is to clear the shared memories between my In-Laws and I. As I clear those memories and heal myself, they will get healed too. I have been practicing Ho'oponopono for about one and half year now. What did I gain? My relationship with my mother and brother improved drastically. Also, recently I had a dream that my Twin has broken up with the third party; he is going through divorce and repenting for his past mistakes. He even tried to approach me in 5D saying "Hi, how are you doing?" I also practice Ho'oponopono for subconscious healing of my Health Issues. You can use it to heal any condition that does not resonate with your soul's vibration. So Yes, Ho'oponopono does work! I highly recommend this book!

Zara's Wisdom: Forgiveness must happen at the soul level. Just saying sorry is not enough until you truly mean it. In Twin flames - both parties must be willing to dissolve the ego and Forgive each other - as Souls - in order to come into union. For this, one must go through a cycle of self-realization, deep regret and remorse!

Just say - I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you! 😍

Love and Light💫

Zara 💞

Check out my Youtube video on this - search by -

"Clear shared Memories, Negative thoughts & Past mistakes using the technique - Ho’ oponopono!!"



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