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What is a Twin Flame connection? ~ My Story!

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

What is a Twin flame connection?

Twin flame connection means your soul has two parts. The other part of your soul meaning the complimentary part of your soul is in another person called as your Twin! Yes, if you are in a Twin flame journey, it means you are connected to the other person at the soul level. If you are aware that you are in a Twin flame connection then you will always feel incomplete without your partner. Your soul will always be searching for its other half. In doing so, you become the “chaser” and the other person becomes the “runner.” You are the chaser because your soul is awakened and has realized that there is somebody out there that will complete your existence on this earth. He is the runner because he is still unaware and hasn’t awakened yet. So, the more you chase him, the more it scares him and the more he runs away from you. Its like you are two parts of the same soul. In China they call it Yin and Yang, in West they call it Twin flame, and in India they call it Shiv and Shakti.

Why do we choose to be in twin flame journey?

Before taking birth on this earth we made a contract to be in relationship with this soul. Therefore, our soul has chosen to evolve with him. Our ultimate goal is to evolve and become one with divine. So, we choose people that become a part of our spiritual journey and help in our soul growth. Twin flame connection is that one connection and we recognize that connection when we have some sort of spiritual awakening experience. I associate awakening process with Kundalini rising that opens up your third eye and gives you a spiritual liberation causing a dramatic shift in your consciousness. When we become conscious we start living a soul based identity. This all happens slowly by shedding our ego. Therefore, the Kundalini energy is associated with twin flame connection. Once awakened helps you find your soulmate/twin flame or at-least puts you on the path of spiritual progression. In doing so the awakened person becomes the chaser and the unawakened person becomes the runner. I have learnt that this chaser runner game may take one year, several years, or lifetime to come to an end. But this doesn’t mean that you spend your entire lifetime running after that person. If you are having hard time in finding or uniting with your twin flame, this means you still have lot of inner work to do. Because your twin flame is here to dissolve your ego. So until you learn to do a complete surrender to God, the union won’t happen. By doing the inner work you can stop this running and chasing game instantly. Accept that he is your twin, he is none other than the other part of your own soul. When you learn to dissolve your ego and operate from love, have unconditional love towards your partner, he will come to you himself. Universe will know that you are ready to meet your partner now. He will bring him to you at the divine timing, leading to a divine union. The logic behind this law of attraction/law of manifestation is you don’t get what you want, you get what you are. Love is a state of being. If you become love, you will receive love.

My story:

2 years after my awakening experience I realized I'm in a twin flame journey. Got separated from my husband 3 years ago. Had spontaneous Kundalini activation!! My spiritual liberation message was to go back to my husband and live a spiritual life. I believe it was because my soul had chosen to evolve with him. But I was naïve to understand that. I misinterpreted my third eye opening messages, and never went back. I took help from Astrologers, all they said was "that your marriage is over (because my karma with him was over) and you will find your soulmate now." So I started progressing along that path. But that was totally incorrect. 2 years later life brought me in front of my husband again. I had another awakening on a subtle level pulling me towards my husband with my soul screaming “to go, reunite with him and give him unconditional love.” This time I didn’t resist. I decided to go with my intuition. I went to my husband and told him we are meant to be together. He said it's over and does not want to give this relationship another chance. But my intuition kept getting louder and louder nudging me to go and reunite with him. So I tried again, but he didn’t seem interested at all. So we went ahead and filed divorce. Few months later my planets changed signs and I felt like my ego was dissolved completely. I could just see the good side of my husband. I had immense cleansing of my Heart Chakra from inside. Its like I was sent into a hermit mode again and asked to introspect with no trace of ego in mind at all. After my ego was completely eradicated, I felt immense love for my husband. Then I had the vision that now my husband will come to me because I have done the work. Basically I had to do that kind of inner work so i could let go of my past and operate with 5th dimension of consciousness. That's how I came to know that he is my Twin. We have been in many lifetimes together. And I chose to be with him in this life time so we could help others evolve and raise the vibration of this planet. I see him in my office everyday. He is unaware of us being in twin flame journey. But I’m certain, our reunion will happen no matter what. And it will happen pretty soon because I'm doing my inner work diligently and I also see signs of reunion every now and then.

So if you guys are in twin flame relationship, please hang tight and keep doing the inner work to come into harmonious reunion. The sooner you do the work, the sooner you guys will reunite. It’s God’s promise! Since its a divine connection so it will happen only at the divine timing. God can delay but never deny! Have unconditional faith! You did not go through all this turmoil for no reason. Wish you all the best! Jai mata di! 🙏


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