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How Healing your Fears can help you Heal your Chronic Diseases? - My Story!

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

My IBS issues (SIBO and Candida) were the Greatest Teacher of all!

We have all heard that IBS issues such as SIBO and Candida are stress induced.

But Where does this stress actually come from? Is it the day to day stress related to our family, our partner, our boss, kids OR is it a carried over stress from our ancestors?

Where is this Stress stored in our body? And How does it prevent us from living a wholesome life?


This stress is passed on to us from our ancestors during our birth. It was passed onto your parents by your grandparents during their birth. And from your parents to you and your siblings during your birth. We take into consideration a cycle of three generations. Let's discuss my example here - This means that before my mother was even born, my grandmother already had traces of my mother and me in her reproductive organs. And when my mother was born she was already carrying the traces of me and my siblings as an unfertilized egg in her ovaries. So you see the programming of the cells for my mother and myself was already induced in my grandmother when she was born. It's like She (my grandmother) had been carrying that cellular information since her own birth which is passed onto us in the form of genes. Hence, the term genetic mapping of the family. This term is commonly used in biology to trace down the medical history of the family because clearly the 3 generations are seen to share the same biological environment. Similarly your inception can be traced in your Paternal line - your Father's side! The precursor cells of the sperm you developed from were present in your father when he was a fetus in his mother's womb.

Your Father's sperm continued to multiply when he reached puberty, whereas your mother was born with her lifetime supply of eggs. Now your mother and father met at the age of 25 or 30, got married, and you were born. This means one of the eggs from your mother was fertilized by your father's sperm and eventually developed into who you are today. So until you were born your father and mother were both susceptible to traumatic events happening in their life. The events could be in the form of experiencing family stress, financial struggles, break-ups, divorce, health issues, physical fights with friends, arguments with their own parents, broken relationship with their own parents, hardships in general, anger, insecurity, miscarriage etc. Where does all of this go? It is stored in different organs of our body especially Liver - for liver is the biggest detoxifying organ in our body. And all of these organs are associated with corresponding chakras - the energy centers in your spiritual body. Therefore, all of this trauma if not resolved, in time, is passed on to the subsequent generation. The implications of which lead to an imbalance in your spiritual body - the yin and yang! These inherited energies or trauma is what makes you relive the past again and again unconsciously. You would even notice a pattern repeating in your life or feel like you are stuck and going in circles. It is this unresolved family trauma or the unspoken truth that often is the main reason behind your struggles - that most people are unaware of. This serves as one of the greatest roadblocks in stopping you from living a wholesome life and is the actual reason behind your undiagnosed diseases, unexplained financial struggles and unworthy relationships.

Thus, SIBO/Candida or any other disease is the manifestation of this ancestral stress. It could also be a stress/fear that you picked up in this lifetime and are holding onto it unconsciously. Holding on to the waste in the form of stress or fear or bad food is characterized by constipation at the physical level and as karmic knots at the spiritual level. Therefore, treating the disease merely at physical level is not enough. All of the diseases must be attacked from the spiritual perspective as well. This is one of the reasons why SIBO and Candida are known as relapsing conditions. They keep coming back or will come back if not handled well at the spiritual level. Therefore, adding spiritual practices like Meditation, Yoga and Breath-work will/do prove highly beneficial in getting rid of these medical conditions permanently. All of these also activate your Vagus Nerve which helps in improving the Gut Brain connection. The more you clean up your subtle body the sooner your symptoms will dissipate and you won't have to worry about the relapse. I learnt this the hard way from my personal experience.


It is stored in the liver. Liver is the biggest detoxifying organ in our body. It not only detoxifies food toxins but also negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs. This is because all your body parts/organs are linked to energy centers from which they derive energy to function. These energy centers are called CHAKRAS. Chakras are the energetic control centers which cannot be seen but exist at the spiritual level. An imbalance in energies lead to imbalance in chakras and that imbalance is reflected as a disease in our physical body. In simple words - a disease is an indication of an imbalance of energies in our spiritual body. Basically, a disease is a body's way of saying - Hey I need help, I'm out of balance!

Now, the mistake we make here is that we start treating the disease at the physical level. We start looking for best of the doctors one after the other. But sometimes the doctors are unable to diagnose the disease and most of the times our blood work shows nothing, comes out absolutely normal. But we know that inside us it feels like a mess. Then why and how does everything seem normal in the blood report or ultrasound or even in the CT Scan etc?

This my friend is a sign that there is something more going on in the body than merely a disease being exhibited at the physical level. Also, this compliments the saying "your outer reality is a manifestation of your inner reality." Inner reality refers to the stress that you are holding onto (knowingly or unknowingly) that is causing an imbalance in your yin and yang. The stress is stored in the Liver. As per Traditional Chinese Medicine - Kidneys are the seat of yin and yang energies. And per Ayurveda - the Ancient Vedic Science - Liver is the biggest stress detoxifying organ. Therefore, all diseases begin and end from liver and/or kidneys. Liver and Kidneys and gallbladder work together in close junction. Liver produces bile (yellow fluid), this bile is stored in the gallbladder and is released for the breakdown of fats. If Liver becomes sluggish, Kidneys can't do their job well. If kidneys fail to filter the blood, the unfiltered blood goes to the heart and causes a threat. Therefore, it's imperative to detoxify your liver and kidneys at both the levels - physical and spiritual. Spiritually you can do it by practicing spiritual practices like Meditation, Yoga and Breathe work (Kriya yoga). I call this as taking a spiritual shower just like you take a cold shower daily. Physically you can detox these organs by taking herbal supplements and eating the food according to your constitution (dosha/energy type). Also, taking epsom salt bath, sauna and dry skin brushing can help detox through the biggest organ of our body which is Skin!


I separated from my husband in September 2016. Had spontaneous Kundalini activation and woke up saying Cause, Effect and Redemption! Had a vision that I'm on a wooden tractor going in circles and there is a Buddha meditation center nearby. I interpreted this as a message to practice meditation. So, I joined a meditation center. I went there for a week for 2 hours to listen to their talks and meditated for at-least an hour. But I couldn't sit for that long and also, I couldn't focus while meditating. I always felt some weird uneasiness in my stomach that went up to my brain and gave me a feeling of restlessness and disorientation. It was like feeling weak, tired and unmotivated to do anything even the meditation. Although I had kundalini which gave me tons of energy and activeness but my brain was always hungry for food. Bottom line it was getting difficult for me to do any spiritual practices diligently because of my inability to focus.

I couldn't eat properly. I developed numerous food allergies such as gluten and dairy. So I knew the Lack of focus was due to my own Health issues.

My biggest health issue was that I had SIBO and Candida (diagnosed in 2021 June - 4 years later)

Now why do I have SIBO and Candida?

Because I have a Leaky gut

Why do I have leaky gut?

Because I was on Laxatives for 15 years (Yellow tablets, Cremalax, Dulcolax)

Why was I on laxatives?

Because I was constipated since the age of 16 (year 2000)

I studied in a boarding school and we didn't get enough fiber in our diet. Also, we were served dairy at night before bedtime which is the primary reason for constipation.

What does constipation mean?

It means that body is holding on to the waste!

Where is this waste coming from?

Physically - from not eating a healthy balanced diet

Spiritually - it's coming from our ancestors - the Ancestral Karma - their patterns, fears, undiagnosed health issues, stress, suppressed pain and trauma, unspoken feelings, unresolved family issues, unexpressed desires, financial hardships etc

I decided to fix my health issues first, so, I could follow the spiritual practices without hindrance.

I started going to doctors one after the other. Nobody could diagnose anything. All the reports came out fine. Blood work was always normal, just a bit on the lower side so the doctors would just put me on multivitamins and send me home. But I knew inside was a mess! There was something serious brewing in my body that doctors were not able to detect. For three years (2017 till 2020) I wandered from allopathic to functional medicine doctors in vain. None of the doctors could catch that I had SIBO and Candida. Finally in Jan 2021 I saw an Advertisement of SIBO on youtube by parsley health care functional group and decided to give them a call.

I started working with them and was finally diagnosed with SIBO and Candida in June 2021.

Since I was on my spiritual journey by now, I learnt about Ancestral Karma, bloodline healing and breaking family patterns. So, I started reading books on these topics to get a sense of what the hell was actually happening with me. What pattern was repeating in my family? and how do I break it?

What I found was incredible!

The same pattern of being constipated, taking laxatives, having leaky gut issues and suffering from SIBO and Candida had been running in my family from 3 generations.

My grandmother had it! From my grandmother it came into my dad and from my dad it came into me. Infact my dad's sister meaning my grandmother's daughter also had it rather is still suffering from it but is unaware of it because she lives in India and SIBO and Candida are not commonly known there. So you see how it's been running in the family unconsciously!!

Now the interesting part is that I felt motivated to research about this because I was seeing my grandmother in my dreams wearing a yellow color clothing. I saw her not once or twice but many times. And sometimes I saw her wearing a yellow cloth (Saree - Indian traditional wear) draped around her along with numerous other ladies of her age wearing the same yellow color saree standing in a line behind her. I couldn't understand it first. I knew she was giving me some message but I couldn't interpret the meaning of yellow color and number of other ladies standing in a line with her. One day my mom pointed out to me that I burp exactly like my grandmother. Wola!! That rang a bell!! My doctor had told me that these burps are due to liver and gallbladder congestion. And my mother told me that my grandmother's gallbladder was removed so she had problems in digesting her food. Now what was veiled earlier came into full view. I could interpret my dream and the message my grandmother was giving to me. Yellow color symbolizes bile which is a liquid produced by liver and stored in the gallbladder. And those women standing in line were pointing towards the ancestral lineage. Now I could connect the dots and understand the whole picture. The dream was asking me to break the family pattern and work on bloodline healing. These burps, SIBO, Candida, Constipation, leaky gut, taking laxatives - None of these illnesses or diseases belong to me. They were transferred to me by my grandparents and so all of these need to go back to them. In that moment I learnt to disavow and disown them. Yes, this is why you need to perform a bloodline healing ritual in which you connect with your ancestors and thank them for helping you break the pattern and disown all of that doesn't serve your highest good.

Henceforth, I incorporated a prayer of Ho"oponopono" and a small meditation in my daily spiritual routine in which I connected with my grandparents to cut the cords, express my love and free myself from family's karmic baggage. I also did a strong breath-work in the form of kriya yogas. It worked! I started getting better!

Also, as a result of doing such strong meditation I had lot of epiphanies. I started getting all my answers as to why I was not making any progress in my health, career and relationships. It's because I was paying off the karmic debt up until now. Chose a wrong career because I was not being honest with myself. Chose a partner because I cared for my parents happiness more than my own. Clearly made wrong choices in life because I'm not listening to myself - my intuition. Was just caught up in my family's web and following their advice even though my body/intuition was telling me that taking laxatives is bad. I even got the red flags before saying YES to my partner whom I divorced after 5 years because we both had to heal our family issues.

In a nutshell this is what SIBO/Candida taught me:

  1. Heal my gut - basically putting the communication back in between the gut and the brain. This is also the communication between divine and you, your soul and you that I needed to re-establish.

  2. Being honest with myself and feeding myself with the right information which is characterized by eating the right kind of food in SIBO - I turned vegan!

  3. Let go of the waste - Cure your Constipation - Release the ancestral waste stored as emotions and stress - become aware of your thoughts and the emotionally charged words you use to describe your struggles and worries. They don't belong to you but your ancestors

  4. Detox your body - Get rid of the bad bugs meaning get rid of the toxicity or the bitterness (resentment issues, anger etc) your spiritual body is holding on to, express yourself freely

  5. Purify your breath - convert the bad breath into Prana by practicing Kriya yogas

  6. Open the Drainage pathways - Cleanse your Liver and Kidney - let go of what you don't resonate with, release the stored trauma in liver and balance the yin and yang in the kidneys by practicing meditation and yoga

  7. Fix your Gut dysbiosis - Take in the right kind of probiotics - the good bacteria that helps to fight the bad - meaning reprogram your subconscious mind with good and positive thoughts, replace the old with the new

  8. Free yourself - Choose to break the family pattern - Create a new belief system for yourself - change your perception, look at things differently

  9. Choose a New Career - Be creative - I got into Occult and spiritual counseling

  10. Reunite with your husband - he is your twin, as I healed myself and cleansed my chakras, he got healed too and his chakras were healed as well because we both share the same chakra system

  11. Start a New life - It's a complete transformation! Move from darkness towards light. Adopting a life of Yogi - eating an Ayurveda diet per your Doshas, meditating and practicing yoga, expanding my consciousness to make better choices in life, and learning to love and accept myself through others

  12. Replacing Self-Criticism with Self-Love and Compassion; Self negative talk with Self - positive talk; Judgement with Acceptance; Resentment with Forgiveness and Mocking with Appreciation.

SIBO/Candida also affects certain body parts and those body parts are attached to their respective chakras as discussed below. Therefore, it is important to work on each of these chakras to harmonize emotions, balance energies and prevent the relapse of SIBO and Candida.

  1. Physical body parts - Legs, Bones, feet, rectum, Immune system, Large Intestine, Teeth, Base of the Spine. All of these body parts are associated with ROOT CHAKRA (First/base Chakra). Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Lower back pain, Hemorrhoids, Constipation, Degenerative arthritis, Knee problems, Depression, Immune related disorders, weight problems.

  2. Physical Body parts associated with SACRAL PLEXUS CHAKRA (Second Chakra) - Womb, Genitals, Lower Vertebrae, Pelvis, Appendix, Bladder, Hip Area, Kidneys. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Chronic lower back pain, Sciatica, Gynecological problems, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, uterine/bladder/kidney problems

  3. Physical Body parts associated with SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (Third Chakra) - Located two inches above the Navel - are Abdomen, Stomach, Upper Intestines, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Middle Spine. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Arthritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers, Colon/Intestinal Problems, Pancreatitis/Diabetes, Chronic or Acute Indigestion, Anorexia or bulimia, liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, hepatitis, diabetes.

  4. Physical Body Parts associated with HEART CHAKRA (Fourth Chakra) - located at the center of the chest - are Heart, Pericardium, Circulatory system, Lungs, Shoulders, Arms, Ribs, Breasts, Diaphragm. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Congestive Heart failure, Heart Attack, Heart Disease, Asthma/Allergies, Lung Cancer, Bronchial Pneumonia, Lung Disease, Breast Cancer, High Blood Pressure

  5. Physical Body Parts associated with THROAT CHAKRA (Fifth Chakra) - located at the front of the base of the Neck - are Throat, Trachea, Neck Vertebrae, Mouth, Teeth and Gums, Esophagus, Hypothalamus, Shoulders, Arms and Hands. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Sore throat, Mouth Ulcers, Gum Difficulties, TMJ, Stiff Neck, Scoliosis, Swollen Glands, Thyroid Problems

  6. Physical Body Parts associated with THIRD EYE CHAKRA (Sixth Chakra) - located between the eyebrows - are Brain, Nervous System, Eyes, Ears, Nose. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Brain tumor/hemorrhage, stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, headaches, blurred vision

  7. Physical Body Parts associated with CROWN CHAKRA (Seventh Chakra) - located at the top and center of the head - are Muscular System, Skeletal System, Skin, Cerebral Cortex, Central Nervous System. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Physical dys-functionality such as - Energetic disorders, depression, chronic exhaustion that is not linked to physical disorder, extreme sensitivity to light/sound/other environmental factors, confusion, apathy, alienation

Look at it what it's trying to teach you? It’s trying to tell you that eating a plant based diet especially vegan for you is best. Living food has the most life force what we call as chi or prana that’s needed by our organs to work synergistically. So learn the lesson, extract the wisdom and make a lifestyle change that will help you feel better and live a healthier and a happier life.



What I learnt from my GURUJI:


Reference Book - "It didn't start with you" by Mark Wolynn!


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