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Should I quit this twin flame journey - I have lost hope to reunite?

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

Sharing a Post by Sharon Vandish! I found this post when I was faced with my greatest weakness and wanted to give up and feel normal for once. Reading this post reignited my hope and got me back on track! The song I channeled while reading this post was - "You can run, You can hide, But You can't escape my Love :) Funny part is I'm saying this to myself coz we are one - he is me and I'm him LOL :)

Sharon says:

YOU ARE THE RUNNER - because you share the same soul. He is the other part of your soul, the piece of the puzzle divine created for you. How will you complete the puzzle of your life without the missing piece? If he fits in as the missing piece then he is the one!!

YOU ARE asking if you should stop running from yourself because when you stop DRAINING YOURSELF will you feel better?

YES!!! but that’s not the way you phrased the question is it?

Zara's story of wanting to quit - In dialogue with myself - Do you want to quit - yes - I think we all understand the giving up - I (Zara) can remember sobbing in my bedroom in my apartment asking for a timeout, or an exit, or eject button asking the divine to just please release me from all this pain.


Just then I hear wisp-hers from Angels -

Telling me to IGNORE HIS ACTIONS and KNOW IN YOUR HEART THAT YOU HAVE A MISSION and that the divine has a plan!

I remember him lying and manipulating things about me in front of his family, insulting me that is deeply hurtful but here’s the thing, we need to understand that loving them through it and loving ourselves through the pain and truly experiencing unconditional love no matter HOW IT SHOWS UP is the lesson and until you have completed that lesson you don’t get the star sticker, or whatever it is that we’re supposed to get when we have learned that lesson.

I can tell you for me I feel like it’s groundhog day OVER AND OVER AND OVER sometimes - because we will take 10 steps forward and then BOOM another hit back and I think “oh look at this, his words don’t hurt me anymore; I felt like I was vibrating so high it didn’t matter what he said “ and then something happened to knock me off balance and back down in 3D and believing that this is such a painful journey.

You can choose to take a break though - you can choose to go for a walk, meditate, be in the garden, have a beautiful bath in some Epsom salts, take care of you and love yourself - because when you start loving yourself more you’ll find a little refresh button got hit and all of sudden you have a burst of energy to keep going.

The reality is - we have a mission. We are serving God today by writing something inspiring, and you know what - EVERYONE has those bad days but I’M NOT GIVING UP - and I choose to focus on my mission that is bigger than I understand. I have faith in the divine. My Affirmation - "I believe in something Bigger than myself!" 😄

Hang in, we are all here - just find another way to help someone else today and you will feel better!! 😍


Zara's Wisdom:

In 3D - they say - "There is light at the end of the tunnel"

In 5D - we say - "There is Divine at the end of the journey"

Totally worth waiting for!! 😁🙏


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