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Seven Categories of Kundalini Phenomena!

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Why the Phenomena happens?

Although we must acknowledge a great mystery in this process of deconstruction that accompanies spiritual awakening, it appears that the primary reason these phenomena arise is that the subtle (energy) body field needs to reorganize and become more open.

When the subtle body is influenced by the quickening energies of kundalini, it releases blocked trauma and pain, along with repressed memories and emotions, and opens the energy field into new experiences which have not been known before. All of our conditioning, which has shaped our patterns of thinking and perceiving, is woven into the subtle energy body field. When Kundalini arises, either before or after a spiritual realization, this conditioning is coming undone. Our structure of identification, how we think of who we are, is falling apart. For some unfortunate people, the outside world, and all the crutches of personal identity, will also fall apart. It may result in loss of job, home, lovers, and friends dropping away in conjunction with the inward collapse of personal identity during this process. This is one form of the dark night of the soul consistently referred to in spiritual literature. This is not a random destruction, however, but instead it is a stripping away of anything that is not truly authentic or in alignment with your soul. YOU ARE BEING INVITED TO LIVE IN A NEW WAY!!

What are the seven categories of the phenomena?

1. Pranic activity or kriyas - Kriyas are involuntary body movements, shaking, vibrations, jerking, and the sensation of electricity, tingling, or rushes of energy flooding the body. Kriya is a sanskrit word meaning action, and many kriyas mimic the postures taught in hatha yoga called asanas, or hand gestures called mudras. During my awakening I woke up in the middle of the night and my body spontaneously did surya namaskar - something that I had never done before in my life ever. Often these movements are unfamiliar, and their true function is simply a restructuring of the subtle field that may ultimately strengthen the flexibility of the body and is used to bring peace or focus. Sometimes Kriyas are gentle, even blissful, and at other times they feel sharp and very uncomfortable. Their function to release, not only of the day's stressors, but those of this life, and possibly genetic or previous life patterns held in the subtle energy body.

2. Other involuntary energy phenomena - In addition to the Kriya activity that looks like yogic postures or hand movements, symbolic images or geometric patterns may appear during a kundalini process. Sometimes the mind produces a series of images of other worlds, or scenes that cannot be related to the current life. There may also arise the sound of chanting, Sanskrit words and tones, or a variety of specific sounds such as bees buzzing, or kettle drums beating. There has been a real case example of someone hearing many sanskrit chants and had no idea what they were or what language it was, until a friend invited her to an Indian Kirtan, which is the singing of sacred music and chants, and she recognized the songs.

3. Physiological problems - Kundalini works mysteriously with physical issues, sometimes curing an illness, and at other times bringing something that is latent to the surface. In my case it gave rise to nasal polyp that lasted only for a week and then disappeared on its own. Also, I was diagnosed with Thyroid problem at the same time. Thyroid issues, adrenal exhaustion, and other hormonal difficulties are all issues that arise from over stimulation of the energy field. They jump out of hyperactivity into profound exhaustion and energy depletion. It is as if they have blown up their chemical and nervous system. In addition to the tendency of kundalini to find problems, the stress of the highly amplified energy can cause physical problems such as short term visual dysfunction, headaches, burning sensations, back pain, and other discomforts. Sometimes problems arise that are pseudo-illnesses: that is, they cannot be explained medically, and defy any diagnosis, and change their nature unexpectedly, moving from one part of the body to another. There can be apparent heart problems, gastrointestinal disorders, dramatic rushes of heat and cold, pains occurring in back, head, stomach, or big toes.

Eating root vegetables, protein drinks, a bit of brown rice or heavy bread can all be helpful. I strongly recommend that people in this process have a consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner who can suggest the best foods and herbal supplements for a person's particular energy system in the condition it may be at this time. In my case I had visions of eating wholesome food as a guidance for changing my diet and end up meeting a friend randomly at a party who was an ayurvedic practitioner. She did guide me per my energy imbalances but I wasn't ready to follow it completely then. After 3 years I'm here again taking help from an ayurvedic practitioner in California. So don't delay it, make the choice right then.

4. Psychological and emotional upheavals - Sometimes awakening is accompanied by an intensification of unresolved psychological issues, fear of death or insanity, mood swings, or crushing waves of anxiety, anger, guilt, or depression, and this surge of feeling may seem to be unrelated to any personal issues. One may also experience waves of compassion, unconditional love, and heightened sensitivity to the moods of others. Love may arise and suddenly fall without discrimination upon everyone. Deconstruction of the old identity is an inevitable correlation of a complete spiritual awakening. Remember that this is a clearing process, and all the energies woven into your subtle field and related to your life experiences are unraveling. Subtle energies hold the patterns of your emotional responses, and hold together a "memory" of who you are that you wake up to every morning. Sometimes, it seems that the emotions of this life, previous lives, and even collective lives, are expressing through your body, and you have no idea why, nor any memory you can call up to explain it.

5. Extrasensory Experiences - It appears that extra senses can activate when kundalini awakens, and some ancient scriptures say it is possible for the vision and hearing to become much more acute, even becoming superhuman. For example - people my experience unfamiliar and spontaneous visual images, such as of lights, symbols, and entities, or the reviewing of other lives, or visions that are felt to be psychologically or spiritually meaningful. You may develop irritability towards cell phones or other electronic devices in the room.

6. Parapsychological Experiences - Psychic awareness, unusual synchronicities, healing abilities, selling or feeling auras, channeling, electrical sensitivity, remote viewing (seeing an event happening somewhere else) and psycho-kinesis (objects moving without being touched) are the most commonly reported parapsychological phenomena. Sometimes there is dramatically awakened creativity, far beyond what the person ever accomplished before. I had lucid dreaming, saw visions/events that were coming true the very next day known as premonitions. Also, I felt my dead grandmother coming and hugging me - left a huge pressure on my arm when I woke up after that event.

7. Samadhi or Satori Experiences - Samadhi is the highest state of unity consciousness. Samadhi experiences are defined as absorption of consciousness into mystical states of unity, peace, light or energy, sometimes with a clear perception of existential truths, even self-realization.

Satori is defined as a glimpse of truth, a profound sense of, "I am not existent as a separate being yet I am everything" or, "This pure and open consciousness with no identity is what I truly am". It is an experience that cannot be described as it is beyond thought, but it is intuitively known, almost a cellular realization.

Please note that any of these phenomena can occur independent of a kundalini awakening, for various reasons. But if a person has had a dramatic initiating event, and this is followed over time with experiences from several of these categories they are probably in a kundalini process.

Reference - Kundalini guide by Bonnie Greenwelle



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