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Role of lower 3 chakras in terms of Physical and Spiritual Healing!

Updated: Apr 3, 2023

My Guruji asked me to describe the Role of 3 lower chakras as to how does it affect our spiritual and physical body?

This was my response!

We are going to talk about the lower 3 chakras in regards to our subtle and physical body.

1. Root

2. Sacral

3. Solar Plexus

We know we are a SOUL NOT OUR BODY!

But the soul cannot exist or be sustained without a physical body.

Therefore, each of these chakras are connected to specific organs in the body.

1. Root chakra is connected to Adrenals which impacts our legs, bones, feet, immune system, large intestine, teeth

2. Sacral Chakra is connected to Reproductive Organs - Ovaries + Testicles + Womb + Lower Vertebrae, Bladder, Kidneys, and Hip Area

3. Solar Plexus is connected to Pancreas and impacts physical body parts such as Liver, Stomach, Gallbladder, Upper Intestine, Spleen, Middle Spine, and Abdomen

Imbalance in these chakras result in a physical manifestation of diseases associated to its corresponding chakra and body parts.

Also, these chakras are associated with 3 elements:

a. Root – Earth – This helps in the grounding of excess of energies and balancing of emotions

b. Sacral – Water – Creation and Sexuality – What are we creating through our emotions and thoughts?

c. Solar Plexus – Fire – Leads to burning of unwanted or toxic emotions. Calls for purification of breath – conversion of breath into prana. For prana is the vehicle for consciousness

Function of these chakras in detail:

1. Root – Associated with Element earth indicates that the excess of everything is bad. Therefore, neutralization or grounding is very important. Think of Shiva’s Natraj Pose. One foot is in the air and one foot is on the ground. Imbalance in this chakra leads to Fear, Anger, Insecurity, Inability to stand for oneself – Victim mentality.

2. Sacral – is associated with water. Water represents our emotions. Emotions can be negative or positive, constructive, or destructive.

- Constructive emotions lead to Positive thoughts which in turn lead to positive actions or karma

- Negative emotions lead to negative thoughts which in turn lead to Negative actions or bad karma.

- Hence, the factor of creativity comes in – what are you creating? Peace or suffering? Love or hate? Are you in control of your emotions OR are your emotions controlling you? Here we experience emotions like Mood swings, anger, upset, sexual abuse or trauma, rape, gender issues. Owning our emotions and becoming aware of our thoughts is the key to dealing with our fears here.

3. Solar Plexus – is associated with Fire. Here we experience emotions like – Trust, fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of self and others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitive to criticism and personal honor.

Now that you have identified your emotions – it’s time to transform them. Everything is energy. Energy can never be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Our goal is to get rid of this negative energy because it bothers our peace of mind. Causes a Prapanch  The process of turning water into air using fire is called Evaporation. So, boil the water - the emotions – put them on fire and turn them into air. This process of purification is called as converting your breath into prana.

This brings us to Guruji’s teachings –

- Breath control – is Life control

- Breath Mastery – is Life mastery

- Breathlessness - is Deathlessness

ZARA’S WISDOM – Fears are the root cause of all suffering. Heal your fears and watch your diseases/suffering disappear!

Now think of your body as a car for a moment.

To drive a car, you need 3 things:

a. Oil as fuel

b. Keys to provide ignition or spark

c. Engine to use that spark

Similarly, our subtle body’s functionality is based upon three things:

a. Chakras - the energy centers – the engine

b. Prana as the ignition or spark

c. Food that serves as the fuel

Just like a car gets dirty by coming on the road, similarly, our breath becomes dirty when we inhale or pick up programming, conditioning, beliefs, from people living around us. There is a constant inhalation and ingestion of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs through our breath - from whatever is happening around us. Our job is to keep the car clean or at-least make efforts to make it clean when it gets dirty. We can do this in three ways:

-By Washing the car everyday

-Giving it a High-quality fuel/oil

-Timely Service every 3 to 6 months

Similarly, our spiritual body requires constant cleansing of the dirt. And we can do this in 3 ways too:

- Spiritual Detox daily – by yoga, kriya yoga, meditation

- Eating the right food according to our Prakriti – dosha type – putting in the clean fuel

- Timely service – cleansing of the body every 4 seasons or Panchakarma every 4 to 6 months

This takes us to guruji’s teachings: YOGASTHA BHAVA! Which induces a state of Balance –– meaning stability in body, mind, and soul. Where in your every action becomes a divine action. Therefore, divine life is nothing but management of energies.

Bhagavata Geeta says TAKE REFUGE IN YOGA – Yog ki sharan mei aajao, think of your life as a battle of Kurukshetra and fight like a warrior – Yodha!

Let Krishna or Divine be your GPS to help you navigate every situation of your life. Which brings us to – TAP/SWADHYA/ISHVARA PRANIDHANA – surrender to divine!

Thus, Kriya Kundalini Yoga is a science of inner engineering in which you detox your spiritual body. Detoxing your spiritual body helps you

1. burn off the karmas or wash away the dirt your soul has accumulated from past many lifetimes or has picked up in this lifetime.

2. It helps you balance your energies – Yin and Yang/Shiv and Shakti and

3. Harmonize your emotions

4. Expansion of consciousness and make empowered choices

5. Puts you in a state of bliss and peace.


KRIYA KUNDALINI YOG helps you - Follow the path of Divine/Dharma/Righteousness and prepares you for Spiritual Liberation - FREEDOM FROM SUFFERING/KARMAS!



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