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Rahu (North Node of Moon) Mahadasha - Relationship issues - The demon inside you!

Updated: Nov 26, 2022

Stuck in a bad marriage? Does it feel like you married the wrong person? Does it feel like something is off between you and your partner? Does it often feel like nothing seems to work no matter how much efforts you put in? Hail to the demon inside you - THE SUPREME MASTER OF DECEPTION!!

Positive effects – Transformation and Growth

Negative effects – Feeding Ego by chasing Desires and illusion

Suggestion – Do not give up, Perseverance is the key

Relationship issues: Rahu loves creating misunderstandings among people. All of a sudden, people will turn against you. You will say something but it will come out in a way that you will be misunderstood. People will take offense against you and half the time you won't even understand the reason behind it. It will look like the whole world is turning against you. This will make you lose sanity and develop bitterness and negativity. In order to combat that, you will try to defend yourself, justify yourself, but will fail miserably. It will drive you crazy turning you into a complete Rebellion!! Yes, Rahu is all about rebelling and breaking rules! CAN YOU FEEL IT?

Cause: During my Rahu Mahadasha, I had hard time getting along with my family, siblings, relatives, colleagues and even in-laws. Fights, arguments, yelling and crying were normal. This is because Rahu causes supreme deception. You will think its always others doing wrong to you. Malefic Rahu compels you to make mistakes and then punishes you for those mistakes. The lesson learnt is, when people fail to understand you, you will tend to hold a grudge against them. You will get entangled in a blame game and become malicious at heart. This causes separation with people pushing them away giving rise to bad karma, and then more reactions which causes more bad karma. This way your soul gets stuck in the never ending Karmic cycle of holding onto baggage for years. The baggage can be in the form of verbally abusing people, starting an argument, or holding a grudge against somebody. Think of it like you carrying your own poison. As a result you keep attracting the same kind of people, similar job situations, and same friends that push your buttons. Because you keep doing the same thing over and over again, unconsciously, which is feeding and operating from your EGO - self. Nothing happens, instead you turn into a Hamster on a wheel!

Effect: If you are married and undergoing an unfavorable Rahu mahadasha, you will notice that smallest of things turn into big issues for no reason. Resolving these may become nearly impossible rather turn into violent fights. On the other hand if you try to ignore or suppress them it will eat you up. I literally went into depression – by bottling up things inside and thinking nobody loves me. Like I said before, you don't die from a snake's bite, you die from the poison that spreads inside you. Due to severe aggression, you may start seeking validation for yourself. I would constantly analyze my emotions to seek validation as in – Am I thinking wrong or right? Am I making issues out of petty things? If I am then why can't I get over it? There was something about my husband that pushed my buttons. I always felt there was something off between us regardless of it being my mistake.

The wounds inside became so deep that I couldn't concentrate on my career or my health. As a result my career and health started to suffer immensely because of which (check out other blog post for health issues) I started falling ill frequently. Would take off from work every now and then. Changed jobs often. It was like I was always looking for something more. I cried, blamed others for making me feel miserable and changed jobs thinking this won't happen at another job. But guess what? Same thing kept happening again and again! Like a pattern repeating itself! The truth is it's nobody's fault. You are suffering because you had done this to somebody in the past and now it was your turn to pay back be it career or marriage or any other relationship.

Marriage was not working at all. Had major compatibility issues. The real issue I now understand was that I attracted a Karmic partner being in my lower self attributed to my EGO plagued by Rahu (We will talk about karmic relationships in my other post). My husband and I met through my cousin. He is a very good looking man. Has a great sense of style and an amazing sense of humor. Also, he is very hard working. We dated for an year before our marriage. I got lot of red flags during our courtship period but I kept ignoring them because they seemed petty. I thought these would get resolved with time and we shall be able to overcome them after we come to know each other well. But soon after our marriage I realized, we had communication and compatibility issues. I found out that he was emotionally underdeveloped. And I on the other side was super emotional. So we weren't able to connect at the emotional level. All it did was just cropped up misunderstandings between us. Would you like to laugh? Yes that was because of Rahu. Rahu brought me in touch with a karmic partner who could push my buttons and help me become aware of the patterns repeating in my life. Can you relate to this?

Basically I was wounded and so was he. So it resulted in a codependent relationship; Wherein I felt like emotionally I was at the giving end and he was at the receiving end. But if we talk about materialistic things then I was at the receiving end and he was at the giving end. The actual bond was just not there. So it only resulted in suffering. This is what Rahu does, it fools you by showing a nice movie in the beginning and then brings troubles in your relationships. Rahu creates illusion and delusion.

Redemption: The message here for the native is to pause, observe the pattern and ask himself "why is this happening?" , "Is there anything you need to change about yourself?" Most of the times you will be blaming other person because your EGO won't let you point fingers at yourself. The purpose is to make yourself aware of your actions and help you evolve emotionally, at the soul level so you can raise your consciousness and attain your highest self. If you don't listen soon, eventually destiny will take its course and it will get to a point where your marriage will be at the verge of breaking. This always happens in the last two years when your rahu mahadasha is about to come to an end. You gather courage to break out of the marriage and make efforts to change yourself in order to attract the right person in your life (some people don't break up, but stay in the marriage and change). That becomes the theme. TO BE A BETTER VERSION OF YOURSELF! For you can only change yourself and not anyone else. You are even likely to find your calling or purpose of life in doing so (just like I did). So be GRATEFUL to that person who chose to undergo this painful experience with you just to catalyze your ASCENSION and help you turn the Lead into Gold. It takes a lot, doesn't it! ;)

My advice -

✅ Stay calm, don't react or get violent too much

✅ Avoid taking situations personally

✅ Accept that it's your Karma that you have to pay back, even if it's not your fault

✅ Embrace that its happening for a reason

✅ Sit alone and analyze the repetitive pattern in your life

✅ Break the karmic cycle

✅ Meditate to burn your bad karma

✅ Seek counseling to work upon yourself

For advice or counseling on such matters, Contact me at:


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