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Rahu Mahadasha - The Onset of Destruction of my Life - An inflated sense of EGO!

Updated: Nov 26, 2022

Rahu (North node of the moon) Mahadasha lasts for 18 years. I was under Rahu Mahadasha from 2000 to 2018 September attributed to the bad placement of Rahu (malefic) in my Horoscope. Rahu is dragon's head and Ketu is Dragon's Tail. They are shadow planets 180 degree apart always moving backwards. (you can find their complete story on google). I'm just going to dive into Rahu's impact on me or on the native in general while undergoing this period. It was indeed painful yet transformative.

Positive effects – Transformation and Growth

Negative effects – Feeding Ego by chasing Desires and illusion

Suggestion – Do not give up, Perseverance is the key

My Rahu (north node) Mahadasha started in 2000. I was only 16 years old. As we all know Rahu is malefic and the most dreaded planet; although my horoscope does not have an unfavorable placement of Rahu. Still I felt a huge impact on my health, my career, my relationships, my marriage in particular and most importantly myself as a person. To laugh it off, I didn’t know for years I was under the influence of Rahu mahadasha (since I was only 16), until I moved to America in 2009. All I knew was that some kind of bad luck began to follow me after 2000 and the change was random, all of a sudden with no rationale or logic to back it up. I started encountering one problem after the other with no solution around. All my plans backfired.

To sum up my entire experience, Rahu takes you up the hill, makes you collect a gem from the top of the hill and then throws you down in no time. The journey is like a sinusoidal wave where one encounters lots of ups and downs. In my case, it smacked my face with problems one after the other and then pushed me to look for answers to that problem which you will realize later are nothing but the nuggets of wisdom or the lessons you needed to learn in this lifetime. And the experiences you have while coming down the hill refer to the Karmic debts you must pay in this lifetime. This may lead to the development of anger, negativity, fear and other unhealthy issues like loss of confidence simply because nothing is working in your favor. But the truth is it's trying to teach you something, so learn the lesson and move on. Be honest with yourself. If something is not working understand that it's not meant for you. Rather than getting disheartened, try something else. It did make me try hundred things, switch jobs from one place to another before I could actually find the purpose of my life. Again perseverance is the key. Do not give up. Trust that with every step you are getting closer to your purpose. Just like there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

How Rahu plays you?

1. Rahu's impact begins by separating you from your soul – your head becomes the Dragon’s head and your body becomes the Dragon’s tail (which is also known as Ketu - South Node) and you start living through these planets! Think of it as if you are possessed by a demon just like in horror movies.

2. In my case it affected my health, my career, my relationships – in short I lost everything and turned into a rebellion with a self sabotaging/destructive behavior.

3. Rahu affects your nervous system/mind! Rahu will tempt the native to fall prey to some type of addiction like alcohol, drugs, caffeine, or even a Medication! The native is likely to become dependent on it not knowing the kind of damage one is doing to itself. It could also be a bad company or influence! This is all because Rahu makes you lose your ability to think logically. You begin to operate from your ego/ fear.

4. Rahu compels you to make poor choices in career and in life in general! You are likely to become a Zero from Hero. Don’t be discouraged, the idea behind it is that “we learn from the opposite.”

5. Rahu makes you feed your Ego and chase illusion. In the end you will realize that you were just watching a movie! You may also end up in immense regret and remorse after realizing the mistakes you have made. Bright side - that's how we learn, from our mistakes.

6. Rahu and Ketu move backwards. It's like a fish going against the direction of water flow. This means whatever you think or plan during Rahu Mahadasha may not turn out successful or fruitful. You will feel like everyone is against you. No one understands you. You may turn resentful. Stay calm, meditate. Don't take things personally. Its rahu - the demon playing out in you. Simply because we human beings learn from the opposite. Just like light has no significance without darkness! In the long run, you will cherish the lessons learnt during this time.

Read my next blog post for how it may affect your career, relationships and health in detail.

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