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Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.

Balancing Karma: The experiences you plan for your next life would balance the karma. Not as self-punishment for the act of wrong doing in your past life, but rather as means of mirroring to yourself those aspects of your consciousness in need of healing. It may come through disliking and suffering. By going through the experience itself when soul feels it has experienced all sides of the issue.

Releasing Karma: The releasing of Karma can happen instantly when the soul realizes the true nature of its own being which is pure divinity - one with spirit. From this realization springs deep peace. When the soul can hold this insight, it will liberate itself quite easily from the bonds of Karma. This realization happens when the underlying causes of the original imbalance are resolved.

Ever Dare to ask yourself -

✅ I have everything but I’m not happy – Why?

✅ Why don’t I meet good people?

✅ Why am I not happy with my job?

✅ Why are all my relationships suffering including marriage?

✅ Why am I not able to put my health together?

I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired that I knew I had reached my saturation point. Just couldn't take it anymore! Just the night before I had miscarriage, I had a strange dream wherein some dead people came and took my baby away. Also, I saw myself riding a wooden truck going in circles. The dream was so significant that it intrigued me to figure out its meaning. I became curious and searched the spiritual meaning of the these words online. To my surprise, it meant ,"I'm stuck in a Karmic cycle". The bible describes "wood"as holy and "going in circles" meaning it lacks divinity indicating you have to settle some karmic debts or break the karmic structure you are stuck in before you can move forward in your life. The loss of the baby and this dream had a profound effect on me. Hit me like a Reality Check! I felt provoked to scrutinize my surroundings and myself within. Began to ask myself the questions stated above (had been my concern always but this time it was serious than ever) and started seeking answers to them. Sat in the temple and cried in front of God loudly asking him why is this happening with me? A year later, I got separated from my husband and started living with my parents. Few months later I had a spontaneous Kundalini activation! (check out my other blog post on Kundalini). It was so strong that I woke up saying CAUSE, EFFECT, and REDEMPTION getting free from all bondages.

CAUSE - The Result of person's actions (not in alignment with my soul)

EFFECT - Immense suffering (Karmic Lesson learnt)

REDEMPTION - Release of suffering (Higher Self attained)

Astrologically speaking, some of my planets were affected by an eclipse which catalyzed the release of my old rotten Karma resulting in deep cleansing of my Soul. Woohoo, I got my SOUL back! You may wonder what does it mean to release your karma and get your soul back? It simply means that up until now I was performing actions from my EGO vs. the SOUL. This includes, saying mean things to others, blaming others for your actions, not taking responsibility of your actions rather complaining about it all the time. Also, not being aware of where my happiness lies and what I want from life. Hope you can all relate to this! As a result you accumulate bad karma and hence, get stuck in a karmic cycle that keeps following you everywhere. It becomes a pattern. The impact is so heavy that you attract similar or wrong people/wrong partner in your life/job etc. and all your aspects of life begun to suffer.

My marriage was a Karmic relationship! Which is why I wasn't happy. Karmic relationships are the relationships in which you attract a certain person in your life to pay off your karmic debts in this lifetime. One person becomes the perpetrator and the other the victim. It's an energy draining relationship. This keeps on going until you learn your lesson and decide to break the pattern. Being in a bad relationship, had a huge impact on my career and my health as well. I remained in my lower self and was carrying that energy everywhere. I was just surviving and not thriving. Simply because I was – NOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH MY SOUL! Not being true to myself. Once you become aware of the underlying influences and subtle pattern of cause and effect; You will feel motivated to let go of your suffering, change your belief system, and step into your POWER! That's when the MAGIC happens! The whole experience inspired me to break the karmic structure and completely TRANSFORM! I discovered my authentic self and found the purpose of my life. With new belief system I learnt that "PURPOSE IS NOT WHAT YOU HAVE, PURPOSE IS WHO YOU ARE!" - the TIMELESS WISDOM


After a thorough introspection, I realized that I'm somebody who likes to write, who is suffering from Health issues and going through an immense transformative period. Using this obscured information about myself; I decided to turn all these issues/suffering into the purpose of my life.

This is how I conceived the idea of creating a Blog and chose to write on the Topic KARMA! I always thought about writing a Blog but could never find an appropriate subject. It’s amazing how Life makes you take strides that help you prepare for what you ever asked for. If I had never separated from my husband and went into a HERMIT mode, I would have never had the courage or time to write something meaningful and make difference in people's lives. I believe everything happens for you, not to you. This is God’s way of giving you signs and telling you that it’s Time for change! I believe I went through a spiritual awakening process so I could have a subject to write upon (utilize my writing talent) and at the same time share my experience in a way that will help people navigate through their Awakening Process!

Kundalini activation cleared my chakras, and opened up the doors for me to connect with my spirit-guides/my source - the supreme being. I developed extra-sensory perceptions identified as intuition, divine insights and/or visions. I felt propelled to channelize this divine energy into Tarot card reading. Some people think Tarot is simply for fortune-telling but that's not true. It's actually a tool for divination. To be "divine" is to discover something by intuition, to seek knowledge, and to predict outcomes.

Furthermore, I had a strong urge to make huge changes in my health. I gave up on caffeine and refined sugar and Non-veg. Eating healthy, exercising and taking care of myself became a priority. With this I was guided to open a health channel on youtube so I could share my health transforming secrets with everyone out there in need and HEAL them. The intention is to give back to the society selflessly.

Zara's wisdom - 🌋 The MYSTERY of life and death is mirrored all around us as a process of CHANGE, TRANSFORMATION, and RECYCLING. Shedding OLD SKIN is painful but necessary!

Embrace the darkness by confronting your fears, letting go of defenses, and becoming VULNERABLE.


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