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My SIBO/IBS Experience - How I got rid of it on a Vegan diet?

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

All of this started when I was 16 years old (back in year 2000), studying in a boarding school (India) and was severely Constipated. To treat my Constipation, Doctors put me on Laxatives (Yellow tablets by Homeopathy, Cremalax and Dulcolax by Allopathy) and my health started deteriorating day by day. My symptoms were - Chronic Constipation, Low energy, Sinusitis, Brain Fog, Feeling Lethargic, Chronic Fatigue, Breathing problem, Forgetfulness, Problems in reading Textbook, Irritation on silly things, Bone and Muscle weakness, Dry Cough, Unexplainable Weight Gain, Chronic hunger, Sugar Cravings, Brain feeling deprived of nutrition even if I ate a lot, Problems in waking up early, Mood Swings, Feeling Frustrated, Inflammation in the joints, Binge eating and Emotional eating too. I SERIOUSLY NEEDED HELP!! After going to numerous Allopathic, Ayurvedic and Naturopathic doctors for 18 years in vain - I finally decided to see a Functional Medicine Doctor at the age of 37 (I moved to America in 2009). I had seen a few functional medicine doctors earlier but they could not help much. They could not diagnose what I was going through exactly. Finally, after lot of research, I found two great Functional Medicine (FM) Doctors that had all the answers for me. First FM Doctor diagnosed me with SIBO (Small Intestinal bacterial overgrowth - Methane and Hydrogen dominant), Leaky gut issues, deficiency of trace minerals, imbalance in gut flora, hiatal hernia and gastritis. Second FM doctor diagnosed me with SIFO (Small intestinal fungal overgrowth) also known as Candida overgrowth and Liver and Gallbladder Congestion. Now I knew I was in the right hands! I hope you all know that SIBO is a medical condition in which - bacteria starts to populate in your small intestine where all of your nutrients are absorbed - leading to chronic malabsorption of food. The right place for the bacteria is to reside in the large intestine. Same goes with SIFO - which refers to small intestinal fungal overgrowth which is very common.

Now, the first FM doctor began a treatment for SIBO and the second one began a treatment for liver and kidney drainage which is a must for SIBO treatment. Yes, you must detoxify your liver and clean your kidneys before doing the SIBO protocol. This is one of the reasons my SIBO kept coming back. How I discovered this problem - When I ate food rich in protein (Tofu, cheese, tempe etc - I recently turned vegetarian) I experienced severe pain in my lower back that traveled up to my shoulder blades and all the way to my neck. Lower back pain is an indication of kidney dysfunction due to eating high protein diet (yes I used to eat meat, steak a lot. also I was on Herbal Life Protein shakes that made my condition worse). Mid back pain and pain on the right side right underneath the ribcage is an indication of fatty liver. Now when you are on SIBO treatment, you are asked to follow a protein rich diet along with low FODMAP food. So, my body could not tolerate protein due to liver and gallbladder congestion nor could I eat other vegetables or carbs because it aggravated the reaction instantly since those bacteria love to feed on carbs and sugars specifically. I knew I was stuck in a loop! And, had to do something to break it first because this was hampering the cleaning up of SIBO. How did I find that? I had one round of Conventional Antibiotics (Rifaximin 550 mg and Metronidazole 250mg) first for two weeks and saw a decline in symptoms in the first week. But in the second week it came back up again. YES, SIBO IS A RELAPSING MEDICAL CONDITION. Second, I tried the elemental diet (powder with pre-digested nutrients) for two weeks - lost weight, symptoms almost vanished but came back again when I resumed my normal diet. Third time, I tried the Herbal Antimicrobials (Candibactin AR and BR) for four weeks. This gave a temporary minimal relief. And, all this time I was trying to stay on low Fodmap and protein rich diet strictly. So my liver gave up on me. I had symptoms of ammonia breath, lower back pain, mid back pain, pain in my neck, and underneath the right rib cage. Hence, I knew I was stuck in the loop of liver and kidney dysfunction vs. SIBO treatment. Another challenge I faced in getting rid of SIBO and SIFO was that these bacteria and yeast create a biofilm in your body and start to reside inside that biofilm (symbolic to creating walls for themselves). So unless this biofilm is disrupted or completely removed, the antibiotics will not prove effective because they can't break down the biofilm and so can't kill or get to the bacteria. Another mistake you can make is to take probiotics while you are dealing with SIBO. Stay away from probiotics for it is like adding fuel to the fire. So my doctors had to back up a little, and take a different route in treating my SIBO and SIFO.

Here are the following steps they finally took:

  1. Detoxify Liver first

  2. Clean up the kidneys second

  3. Provide essential nutrients via supplements for healthy functioning of liver

  4. Work on disrupting the biofilm - very very important

  5. Try a stronger dose of Antibiotics (100% knock off results with Sulfamethoxazole-TMP DS - beware if not suited well it can give rashes in mouth or body - that's the potential side effect)

  6. Take Anti-fungal for SIFO for two weeks (I took Flucanazole - 150mg and saw a huge difference) dosage is one tablet in 3 days.

  7. Stay on LOWFODMAP food for a month or so

  8. If things go well you are good - Fingers-crossed


  1. Brain Fog

  2. Gas and Bloating when you eat sugar or drink alcohol

  3. Intensified Sugar Cravings

  4. Food sensitivity or allergy to gluten, dairy and/or peanuts

  5. Chronic Fatigue

  6. Nutrient Deficiencies

  7. Unexplainable weight gain or weight loss

  8. Inflammation in the body/Burning sensation in the stomach

  9. Chronic Sinus issues

  10. Skin rashes

  11. Breathing Problem


The biofilm is a layer of mucus like gooey substance that is secreted by bad bugs, like Candida and other fungus, bacteria, and even viruses, in small and large intestine.

The bad bugs build this gel like layer to protect them from our body’s own defense system from attacking them. So it’s like they build a wall or a house for themselves wherein they hide safely. Thus, the bad stuff is “safe” and cause havoc.

Image copied from an unrestricted source -

The biofilm is made up of Carbohydrates/Proteins/Fats. In addition, they utilize Magnesium, Calcium and Iron to give it a concrete structure. This is another reason why people become anemic during SIBO infection. Bad bugs feed on sugar and iron mainly.

Research studies have shown that Biofilm can grow almost anywhere within the body – your G.I. tract, sinuses, bladder and urinary tract, lungs, arteries, mouth, and eyes and even your skin. Thus, impacting your vital organs and blocking the flow of vital nutrients, blood flow and oxygen to your muscles. For me it hijacked my entire chest area and so I always felt tired, unable to breathe properly, experienced brain fog, blocked sinuses, blurry vision, muscle soreness and stiffness especially in the neck.

How are biofilms formed?

This first step of attachment occurs when the microorganisms produce a gluey substance known as an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). An EPS is a network of sugars, proteins, and nucleic acids (such as DNA). It enables the microorganisms in a biofilm to stick together.

Attachment is followed by a period of growth. Further layers of microorganisms and EPS build upon the first layers. Ultimately leading to a complex 3D structure. During the formation of biofilm, several species of bacteria communicate with one another, and the process is known as quorum sensing.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) revealed that among all microbial and chronic infections, 65% and 80%, respectively, are associated with biofilm formation.

Read the article here:

Since these bacteria and yeast create a biofilm in your body and start to reside inside that biofilm (symbolic to creating walls for themselves). It is this biofilm that makes them resistant to antibiotics or antimicrobial agents and even the immune system. So, unless this biofilm is disrupted or completely removed, the antibiotics will not prove effective because they can't break down the biofilm and so can't kill or get to the bacteria. Therefore, it’s imperative to consume digestive enzymes that target these biofilms and bring the microbes out in the open. The required enzymes are:

Protein digestion:

Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Peptidase (DPPIV), Protease AM, Protease 6.0

Fat digestion:


Carbohydrate Digestion:

Glucoamylase, Pectinase, Beta-Glucanase, Cellulase,

Alpha-Galactosidase, Amylase, Invertase, Xylanase, Hemicellulase

Once the bad bugs are loosened, We can use “kill supplements” such as anti-biotics or Herbal antimicrobials to kill them.

The problem with the bad bugs being killed (dying-off) is that they release lot of toxins. These “hurt” and are called die-off symptoms. These symptoms can be in the form of burning sensation, rashes on the skin, emotional outburst, or feeling low and weak. The process is known as the Herxheimer reaction which means things become worse before they can be healed. So, it is important to detox - to get the toxins out of your body. This is where the liver and kidneys come in. Hence, if you have poor liver or kidney functions, you can hurt yourself more.

In addition, our lymphatic system is the channel for transporting these toxins. The toxins can come out of via urine, stool, skin and our lungs and sinuses! Hence, the smelly poop, gas, skin rashes and mucus in the poop, sinus drainages and coughing up sputum are all signs of detoxification. Even the eyes and the ears. The problem with our lymphatic system is that it is sluggish. And when it is sluggish, it won’t help in the detox. This is where the bouncing on the trampoline and the dry brushing of the skin and rope jumping comes in. They both move the lymph. Yes, dry brushing of the skin removes the toxin already excreted by the skin. But it is more important that it moves the lymph.

You also want to help the liver. That’s where you do Enema and take NAC – a precursor to Glutathione.

Read an interesting article on how biofilms are formed and how to dissolve them:

Foods to eat on a SIBO Diet:

  • Non-Starchy vegetables - Asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, kale, cucumber, eggplant, spinach, zucchini, artichokes, bell peppers, Carrots, Tofu

  • Gluten free grains - Millets, Quinoa, Oats, Gram Flour Tortilla, Flax seed Tortilla

  • High quality protein - Chicken, eggs, salmon, turkey, sardines and rib-eye (grass fed and grass finish)

  • Healthy fats - Use Avocado or coconut oil for cooking, use olive oil only for salad dressings (never heat olive oil or pour it in hot dishes), flax oil and sesame oil, non dairy products such as cultured butter, ghee, soy yogurt, cultured cheese

  • Herbs and spices - Black pepper, salt, cinnamon, dill, garlic, ginger, oregano, rosemary, paprika, turmeric, thyme, coriander and basil

  • Condiments - Apple cider vinegar, coconut aminos, limes, lemons

  • No-sugar sweeteners - Stevia, Erythritol, and Xylitol - Xylitol is the preferred sweetner on a candida diet - - check out this you tube video

  • Non-caffeinated beverages - Herbal tea like organic throat tea, chamomile tea, chicory coffee, filtered water, homemade almond milk, filtered water, water infused with lemon

Foods to avoid on SIBO Diet:

  • High Sugar Fruits - Avoid All fruits - you can have berries in small amounts but remember Bad bugs feed on sugar

  • Grains that contain Gluten - Wheat, Rye, Barley and Spelt, White flour, Breads

  • Certain Meats - Deli meats and Farm-Raised Fish

  • Refined oils and Fats - Vegetable oil, Canola oil, Soybean oil, Sunflower oil, or Margarine

  • Condiments - Ketchup, soy sauce, white vinegar, BBQ sauce, Horseradish or Mayonnaise, Ranch , blue ceaser, sweet onion or any dressing that contains sugar and dairy

  • Certain dairy products - Milk and Cream

  • Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners - Aspartame, agave, cane sugar, corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses and table sugar

  • Nuts and seeds higher - Peanuts, cashews, pecans, and pistachios, walnuts

  • Nuts and seeds lower - Almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut or flaxseed, Macadamia

  • Caffeine, alcohol and sugary beverages - Caffeinated teas, coffee, energy drinks, soda, fruit juice, beer, wine

How I overcame SIBO completely?

Getting rid of SIBO involves 5 Steps:

  1. Phase 1 - Open the drainage pathways

  2. Phase 2 - Break open the biofilm

  3. Phase 3 - Bad Bugs Eradication Phase

  4. Phase 4 - Heal the Gut

  5. Phase 5 - Add Probiotics plus Fiber

PHASE 1 - OPEN THE DRAINAGE PATHWAYS - (Time period - 2 months)

This step is the most important step in your healing journey. During Candida/SIBO infection you are likely to suffer from constipation or diarrhea. Irregular bowel movements can enhance the infection and make it worse. SIBO or Candida is actually a manifestation of improper elimination of the waste from our body. The undigested food matter or an un-excreted waste sitting in G.I. tract, if not eliminated regularly, becomes an ideal fuel for bad bugs to feed and thrive upon. Therefore, having at-least one bowel movement per day is crucial. To ensure this it's important to have your MMC (Migrating Motor Complex) functioning properly. The MMC is designed to move matter through your digestive tract. Pushing food and other particles through the gut, the migrating motor complex keeps you regular and helps to prevent gut infections like SIBO and Candida. It's a crucial component of any healthy digestive tract.

The migrating motor complex (MMC) is a cyclic, recurring motility pattern that occurs in the stomach and small bowel during fasting; it is interrupted by feeding. Absence of an active MMC has been associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Read the Article on MMC here -

A. For regular elimination of bowels - use one of the following options:

  1. Plain Water Enema - My personal preference (did two bags everyday)

  2. Coffee Enema - You can buy enema kit on amazon or Xeneplex Coffee suppository at

  3. Triphala by organic India - (available on amazon) This is a great pro-kinetic. I used this everyday at night - 2 capsules open and mixed into water.

  4. Motility activator by Integrative Therapeutics

  5. Senna leaf tea (available on amazon) - this is also great but can make your body dry so be careful

  6. Magnesium oxide (available on amazon) - draws water into the colon - didn't work much for me

  7. Meditation and other relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga are really helpful for supporting gut health and MMC function

  8. Activate the Vagus Nerve - What is a Vagus nerve and how to activate it?

Google Definition - The vagus nerve, also known as the vagal nerves, are the main nerves of your parasympathetic nervous system. This system controls specific body functions such as your digestion, heart rate and immune system. These functions are involuntary, meaning you can't consciously control them

How to activate - Vagus Nerve? Copy and Paste it in your browser and click download:

B. Keep the Drainage Channels open - once the Body is triggered or attacked with detox/kill supplements - it tries to push the toxic stuff out of eyes, nose, ears, skin and via urine/excretion. This is where Liver and Kidney play a huge role. Therefore, keeping the drainage channels open and up in functioning is the key in eliminating toxins efficiently.

  1. Skin - open the detox channel of skin via Dry skin brushing/loofah and/or Epsom Salt Bath once a week for 15 mins only

  2. Liver and Kidney - Liver is the biggest detoxifying organ in our body. It performs over 500 functions in the body. Its job is to detoxify toxins from the body; and kidney's job is to filter blood and excrete those toxins. Gut dysbiosis or food allergies to gluten, dairy etc lead to leaky gut. Leaky gut leads to candida/SIBO. Candida/SIBO leads to intense sugar cravings. High sugar diet makes your body insulin resistance, which is detrimental to liver and kidney functioning. The excess insulin is dumped on the visceral organs of your body such as - Ovaries leading to PCOS, Liver - making it fatty and sluggish thus causing Thyroid, kidneys leading to high blood pressure and type 2 Diabetes etc. Therefore, detoxifying the liver and kidney must be the first step.

Liver and Kidney detoxifying options - Epsom Salt bath, Castor oil packs, Liver detox by Bioray, Milk thistle, Dandelion/Parsley/artichoke extract (ask your doctor - there are tons of liver detox supplements out there), NAC by Integrative Therapeutics, Kidney Liver (KL) Support by Cell Core.

I personally used liver detox by Bioray and KL support by Cell Core.

Because KL support is beneficial in 3 ways - it contains:

a. NAC - which is a strong biofilm disruptor and detoxifier. NAC - N-acetylcysteine has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating characteristics. Caution - It is a prescribed drug and must be taken under a supervision of Functional medicine doctor.

b. Liver and kidney detox herbs such as marshmallow root, parsley leaf and Beetroot, Milk Thistle

Note: you must add NAC to your treatment protocol for NAC has anti-microbial and anti-biofilm properties. Also, the sulfhydryl component of the NAC acts as a precursor for glutathione synthesis which is used by body as an antioxidant and detoxification agent.

3. Lymphatic drainage - Use trampoline or go for a lymphatic massage or do rope jumping to have your lymph nodes open. Because (google definition) Lymph nodes filter substances that travel through the lymphatic fluid, and they contain lymphocytes (white blood cells) that help the body fight infection and disease. There are hundreds of lymph nodes found throughout the body.

4. Chiropractic adjustments - during and after are very helpful. It helps in releasing the stuck IC valve and fix your Hiatal Hernia if you have any. The ileocecal (IC ) valve is a sphincter muscle situated at the junction of the ileum (last portion of your small intestine) and the colon (first portion of your large intestine). Its function is to allow digested food materials to pass from the small intestine into your large intestine and prevent the back flow.

Google definition - This defective ICV/cecal distension reflex may cause SIBO and IBS like symptoms due to reflux of fecal flora and the production of gas within the small intestine and/or the production of gas within the colon, with reflux of the gas into the small intestine.

How do you know if you have an IC valve dysfunction? The Symptoms are:

Right side pelvic or shoulder pain, chronic sinuses or dripping sinuses, sharp or pinpoint headaches especially on the left side, Nausea, sudden/stabbing/sharp Low back pain or leg pain that feels like disc pain, Pain surrounding the heart, Tinnitus, Nausea, Bad breath, asthma like symptoms, dark circle under the eyes and puffy cheeks.

You can get it tested by a chiropractor/applied Kinesiologist or do it yourself by watching this you tube video:

How do you know if you have Hiatal Hernia? The Symptoms are:

Heartburn, Regurgitation of food or liquids into the mouth, Backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus (acid reflux), Difficulty swallowing, Chest or abdominal pain, Feeling full soon after you eat, Shortness of breath, Vomiting of blood or passing of black stools, which may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding. The test for this is endoscopy or colonoscopy.

PHASE 2 - BREAK OPEN THE BIOFILM (Time Period - 3 weeks - this can be merged with the 2nd month of Phase 1)

Open the biofilm - This phase can take up-to 3 to 4 weeks depending on the severity of the condition. I have had Candida and SIBO for about 15 years or more. So my case was severe. Hence, it took me about three months to just open the biofilm. Biofilms are made of proteins and sugars. Bad bugs also use - Calcium, Magnesium and Iron to give it a concrete structure. You must use Digestive Enzymes - that contain Protease Enzymes such as Serrapeptase, Protease S, Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Glucoamylase, Amylase, Lipase.

A. Add a biofilm disruptor:

1. NAC - is a strong biofilm disruptor and detoxifier.

NAC - N-acetyl-cysteine has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating characteristics. Caution - It is a prescribed drug and must be taken under the supervision of a skilled Functional medicine doctor.

Note: you must add NAC to your treatment protocol for NAC has anti-microbial and anti-biofilm properties. Also, the sulfhydryl component of the NAC acts as a precursor for glutathione synthesis which is used by body as an antioxidant and detoxification agent.

Good options of NAC are:

a. NAC by Integrative Therapeutics

b. KL support by Cell Core also contains NAC and liver/kidney support ingredients.

c. Interface plus by Klaire labs - contains biofilm opening enzymes

d. Biofilm defense by Kirkman - contains biofilm disrupting enzymes

2. Biofilm Phase - 2 advanced by Priority One - This helps in breaking down the mature biofilms.

Also, contains ALA - which helps in protecting the Myelin sheath (that forms around nerves in case of brain and spinal cord) in case of Peripheral Neuropathy in people suffering from Type - 2 Diabetes. This product also contains black cumin which acts as a binder for binding to the toxins and removing them.

I took all three - NAC + Transformation digestive enzymes + Biofilm Phase 2 Advanced + Sometimes Serrapeptase separately.

However, I recommend taking "Biofilm defense by Kirkman" for it contains serrapeptase and Nattokinase both. Nattokinase is an enzyme that prevents in clotting of blood.

3. Biocidin Botanicals Liquid/Capsules/LSF - Very potent in disrupting the biofilm. This will open the biofilm created by Candida or mold as well. They are available in the form of liquid and capsules both. My personal favorite because it's very easy to consume and are gentle on the stomach. Must try for sure!

B. Add digestive enzymes to your diet - Take strong Digestive enzymes that have amylase amount more than 23,000 and Protease amount more than 80,000. Good options are:

1. Enzymedica digest gold with ATP pro - Perfect for opening the biofilm and digesting food without any discomfort. I use these till now.

2. Digestive enzymes by Transformation are also good (prescribed by my FX med doctor) - I used this for the 1st phase for it's potent in breaking down the biofilm. But it has a strong amylase content that makes you wanna eat more carbs and carbs are not good for SIBO treatment. So be aware. I switched to another digestive enzymes called Vegaenzyme in the 2nd phase for sometime because these are not as strong and contains serrapeptase also.

3. Plant based Vegaenzyme - I used vegaenzyme for 3 reasons (in the 2nd phase) - one they are plant based, two - they are not crazy strong as other digestive enzymes on the market so they won't skyrocket your appetite. You will be able to enjoy a healthy amount of meal without feeling half done or feeling hungry soon later. That means you need to take two of the capsules per meal. Three - they contain Serrapeptase - the enzyme that's crucial in breaking down the biofilm. It acts like a pac man chewing up the biofilm. These also contain Nattokinase which efficiently breaks down the strep biofilm and blood clots - "Nattokinase is particularly good at degrading strep biofilms and I think that strep is a very big player in children's health."(credit - Clinical education article on how to dissolve biofilms) Read the article here:

4. Serrapeptase by source naturals - One capsule an hour before meals. This is highly potent in breaking down the biofilms and other unwanted stuff in the body too. So Serrapeptase along with digestive enzymes is must.

C. Add Betaine Hydrochloride Capsules - to increase your stomach acid. Hydrochloric acid present in stomach is very acidic with a pH of 1-3. This is required to kill those bad bugs that enter your stomach with food, also helps in digesting the food better.I used Betaine HCL by premier labs (500mg) per meal. You can also add Apple Cider Vinegar - (I used Apple Cider Vinegar tablets by Puritan's Pride - half a tablet was more than enough) along with Betaine HCL. I also suggest adding Purified Bile salts in the form of TUDCA or OX bile or Gall Bladder Strength formula by Doctor Eric Berg (Find it on his website) to keep the liver and gallbladder functioning properly. IF you suspect there is a Liver gallbladder congestion meaning the bile ducts are clogged and you are experiencing too much burping or belching after your meal then take - D-limonene by Wellness Resources. Being a solvent of cholesterol, d-limonene has been used clinically to dissolve cholesterol-containing gallstones. Because of its gastric acid neutralizing effect and its support of normal peristalsis, it has also been used for relief of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).

D. Eat Low FODMAP food during Phase 1 and Phase 2 (Here is the list). Eat high FODMAP during Phase 3.

E. Drink H.Pylori tea - Available here -

Make this tea a part of your daily regimen, regardless of, if you have H.Pylori or not. This tea is a blend of - Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Thyme (thymon), Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Peppermint (Mentha ×piperita) out of which Echinacea herb has the anti-fungal properties specifically! Because of it's antifungal and antibacterial properties this tea hugely helps in getting rid of Candida and SIBO. Additionally it has properties like - Prevents flatulence and constipation, has a calming and anesthetic effect, improves appetite, accelerates the healing of wounds, ulcers and herpes, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, antioxidant, regenerates the skin, relieves acute cough, enhances the overall immunity, relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive system.

F. Add a Plant based multivitamin - I used a multivitamin by Naturello and B complex by Thorne and liposomal C vitamin. Extra B and C vitamins are needed for they are water soluble and you could easily lose them while detoxifying your body. Also, it helps in mental clarity and enhancing energy. Add Vitamin A, D and K by Seeking Health and Ultra-Magnesium by Source Naturals also for strengthening your immune system. If you don't want to take too much capsules you can add wheatgrass juice powder (by Dr.Eric Berg) or Moringa Powder by Organic India available on Amazon.

G. Take L-Glutamine powder - to heal your leaky gut - I used L-glutamine by Nutricost. One scoop contains 5g or 5000mg - thats too much! Take only half a scoop once a day. Excess of L-glutamine can cross the blood brain barrier and cause stress and anxiety.

PHASE 3 - ERADICATION PHASE (Time Period 2 to 4 weeks)


Now that the biofilm is open - Use Herbal Antimicrobials or Allopathic Antibiotics to kill them. At this point add High FODMAP food. The idea is to make the bugs active so they come out of their shell and can be killed. This phase lasts for two weeks if using Allopathic Antibiotics and for 4 weeks if using Herbal Antimicrobials.

a. Allopathic Antifungal - Fluconazole or Diflucan for two weeks

b. Herbal Antimicrobials -

  1. Dysbiocide by Biotics Research. 2 capsules, three times per day, for 2 weeks.

  2. FC-Cidal by Biotics Research. 2 capsules, three times per day, for 2 weeks.

  3. Note : Candibactins AR and BR are good options also - for 4 weeks but in my case I didn't find them effective at all. I would suggest you to go with the first two.

As bad bugs are killed, they release toxins and gases. These bio-toxins if not removed immediately can get reabsorbed in the body and cause more problems. Therefore, It is imperative to remove these toxins (also known as endotoxins) immediately. To remove toxins we add a binder - EDTA or Activated Charcoal. EDTA is a well known chelating agent for heavy metals, biofilms and plaque buildup. Fulvic acid and cumin also act as binders. Activated charcoal has a firm history in its ability to attract and expel ingested toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Charcoal also reduces gas and bloating produced as a side effect during the dying of microbes. These are called Die-off symptoms. However, a caution with activated charcoal is that it binds to food nutrients too. Therefore, it must be taken 2 to 3 hours away from food.

a. Activated Charcoal by Integrative Therapeutics

b. EDTA - the chelating agent

c. Black cumin present in Biofilm phase 2 advanced also act as a binder

d. Fulvic acid present in KL support by Cell Core

Remember to clear your bowels everyday at this point. I did enema first thing in the morning every single day to make sure the dead microbes were out of my system. I also scheduled Hydro colon Therapy sessions after getting rid of SIBO and Candida. You can do it in the middle of the protocol too.


Google definition: Herxheimer or Herx Reactions are a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is common to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, skin rashes, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms. These temporary side effects are believed to be a form of 'Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction', a phenomenon first identified by physicians when giving antibiotic treatment for syphilis.

Basically it's a healing crisis detox reaction in which the symptoms briefly worsen before beginning to improve. You may also call it as detox or a cleansing reaction. Personally I experienced headaches, muscle and joint pain, body aches, feeling of being lost, became more emotionally volatile, low energy and severe tiredness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it means the protocol is working and that you are on the right track. Some people get scared and give up too early. Don't give up! Let it happen! Those are all positive signs indicating biofilm disruption and dying-off bad bugs. But of-course if you experience something crazy that feels unbearable or out of control, rush to the ER (Emergency Room) immediately. Don't try to remediate a situation by self-medicating.


Now after completing Phase 3 if you feel like your SIBO and Candida are cleared out completely, don't think you are ready to eat anything and everything! NO NOT YET! Because we still need to heal your gut and the intestinal lining from all the damage those bad bugs did. Therefore, gut healing should be the topmost priority before throwing in the Probiotics and HIGHFODMAP foods. I did make this mistake! I ate a chocolate cake and gluten tortilla right after completing my course of antibiotics and Hydro-colon therapy. Because I was certain my SIBO was gone. Yes the SIBO was gone but the Candida was still there. The chocolate cake and gluten flared up the reaction again. and I was down to following the protocol again. So don't make this mistake! Have patience! Focus on healing the gut first before inoculating it with probiotics. Probiotics also thrive well when given the right environment in the gut. Fiber feeds good bacteria, Sugar feeds the bad bacteria. Understand every disease begins in the gut. In our gut we have both good bacteria and good fungi. There are also trillions of viruses present. Candida/SIBO are the result of gut dysbiosis - meaning your gut microbiome is disrupted and there is limited gut flora to digest your food. Gut dysbiosis often happens due to leaky gut and leaky gut can result from multiple factors such as Gluten and Dairy sensitivity, frequent consumption of antibiotics, processed and junk food, surgery, excessive use of laxatives etc.

Gut Healing/Intestinal lining supportive nutrients:

a) Add - Aloe, Marshmallow root, slippery elm, DGL tea -

- Organic Throat Tea on amazon is a good choice.

- GI Encap by Thorne is also a good choice - you can open this capsule and mix in water.

c) Key Nutrients - Vitamin A+D3+K2 and Zinc/Copper combo, add a multivitamin (Naturello) plus B-complex (By Thorne) for energy and clarity and ultra magnesium by Source Naturals for bowel regularity and mood enhancement

d) Consider IV nutrient therapy at-least twice for post Candida/SIBO recovery

e) Keep going for Chiropractic adjustments during and after the treatment.


Healing the gut is very important before adding in probiotics. Most doctors and people make this mistake of adding probiotics right after antibiotic treatment. It is not a good move to make. Because your gut/intestines are still damaged from SIBO and Candida infection. And probiotics are good bacteria which need the right kind of environment to thrive in. Therefore, providing them the right soil by soothing your gut first is very important. Fiber feeds good bacteria and sugar feeds bad bugs. Different probiotic strains require different types of fiber. So adding in the right kind of fiber in order to help the good bacteria grow and multiply is also crucial. LActo and Bifido Strains are must. Also adding in Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus bulgaricus and Bacillus Clausii will help you fight any inflammation in the gut.

Probiotics I took: Took one of each on alternate days to grow my gut flora slowly and gradually

a. Physicians's choice 60 billion Probiotic (10 strains) - available on Amazon - The Best for bowel regularity. very gentle on the stomach and contains plantarum strain that is pretty effective in cutting out gas and bloating

b. BIOHM Total Probiotic (Good Bacteria +Good Fungi)

c. Saccharomyces Boulardii by Seeking Health (5 Billion CFU)

d. Silver Fern Ultimate Probiotic (8 billion CFU)

e. Enzymedica Digest Gold + Probiotics

f. VSL3 _ 450 billion strain to reboot your system

g. Pro flora - 4R by Biocidin Botanicals

h. Fermented Coconut Fairy Kefir - containing 938 billion CFU with over 50 strains in it.

Fiber - Psyllium Husk, Acacia fiber by Sun fiber, Inulin By NOW and Flax seed powder are all good options for growing good bacteria in your gut back. You can Also add Prebiotic foods like banana, apples, resistant starch, potato starch etc to enhance their growth.

To determine what bacteria or good fungi are lacking in your gut specifically and what do you need to populate your gut with, talk to your Functional Medicine Practitioner about ordering these tests:

1. Link for GI effects - comprehensive stool profile - by Genova Diagnostics

3. GI Effects Gut Pathogen Profile by Genova

4. Microbial Ecology Profile by Genova

5. Link for the GPL Mycotoxin Test - by Great Plaines

6. Link for GPL Organic Acid (OATS) Test (This is an organic acid test in case you have oxalates)

7. Candida IgA, IgM, IgG

NOTE : Most doctors recommend Megaspore probiotics. Do not take Megaspore probiotics. Because it contains a strain called - Bacillus Licheniformis that is highly detrimental to your vital organs such as Heart and Brain. Check out this review by a lady on taking Megaspore probiotics

All supplements/medications I took are listed below and all the information about my Functional Medical Team is also listed on my Health Blog Page. My humble advice - Be patient and compassionate with yourself for it took me a whole year to get rid of SIBO and SIFO and another year to completely heal and balance my gut. I was really a stubborn case because I had been carrying it for the past 15 years. Practice self love, Positive Affirmations and Visualizing Techniques to keep yourself going!

DO'S for SIBO and SIFO Treatment in nutshell

  1. L- Glutamine powder - very important to heal your leaky gut

  2. Take Digestive Enzymes - Helps digest food and break down the biofilm

  3. Take FODMATE - breaks down oligosaccharides sugar

  4. Take Apple Cider Vinegar and/or Betaine HydroChloride Tablets or Digestive Bitters to increase the PH of stomach acid for it is required to kill all bacteria that enter through food

  5. Take Liver loving supplements - B complex, Vitamin ADK, Magnesium Plus or Ultimate Magnesium by source plus, Omega 3

  6. Biofilm Disruptor - NAC and/or Serrapeptase, and/or Biofilm advanced phase-2, and/or Interface or Interface plus

  7. Take Atrantil - Ayurvedic supplement very effective in killing the methane/Hydrogen producing Bacteria

  8. Must take Liver and Kidney Detoxifiers - CellCore Liver detox contains NAC, Bio-ray liver detox, Healthy Liver detox bitters, Castor oil Pack, Epsom salt bath

  9. Antimicrobials - Antibiotics (Rifaximin 550 mg and Metronidazole 250mg) or Herbals (Candibactin AR and Candibactin BR) or 100% effective antibiotic - Sulfamethoxazole-TMP DS

  10. If you have mold/yeast/fungal infection also - Take ADP - oregano oil tablets - highly effective as anti-fungal or ask your doctor to prescribe you an allopathic anti-fungal medication. I took - Flucanazole

  11. Eliminate daily for proper functioning of migrating motor complex (MMC) - Use Magnesium oxide or Triphala or Enema (oil/probiotic) or eat half a Papaya daily (Note papaya is high fodmap but i could tolerate it well - avoid completely if you have candida or yeast infection)

  12. Move your body - light exercise - walking in the sun or treadmill for 60 mins, Yoga, or breathing techniques to activate the Vagus nerve

  13. Eat Low FODMAP FOODS. Eat less only when hungry!

  14. You can also try - Elemental diet (Dextrose free version by Integrative Therapeutics or Elemental heal) is the best option to reduce SIBO/IBS symptoms immediately. Also, helps in healing the gut and giving your organs some rest especially liver.

DON'TS for SIBO and SIFO Treatment

  1. No Gluten and No Dairy products and No Sugar

  2. Do not take Probiotics during the SIBO Treatment

  3. Don't overeat! Eat less - only two meals a day. Practice Intermittent Fasting

  4. Avoid High FODMAP foods

  5. Avoid - Lentils, Garbanzo or Kidney Beans especially Tomatoes, Onions and Garlic

  6. Don't eat too much protein either - has a negative effect on kidney and is hard for the liver to digest

  7. Avoid all kinds of salad and fruits - because the bacteria feed on the fiber and the sugar (I could tolerate only mango and papaya - blueberries and kiwi also gave me a reaction because of high fructose content)

  8. Avoid eating outside as much as possible for they have hidden sugars, tomatoes and onions as well which can lead to the relapse of condition.

  9. It's ok to eat a cheat meal once in a while for you do need something to keep yourself going and to keep your mood up. So treat yourself with something that you really enjoy eating but don't go overboard.


  1. I turned Vegan - Started eating Gluten free and Dairy free. No meat no eggs either

  2. Went to eating only two times a day from eating 6 times a day

  3. Cook at home - Eat Healthy!!

  4. Gained Tons of knowledge about Anti-inflammatory foods and Trigger foods

  5. Practice Intermittent Fasting - now down to eating one meal a day

  6. Importance of Activating Vagus nerve

  7. Follow spiritual practices religiously - breathing techniques, yoga and meditation

  8. Eat Consciously - living foods (High Pranic foods)

  9. Patience - trust the timing of the process

  10. I have become calm - no more frustration, irritation or mood swings

  11. Lost weight and Feel more energetic

  12. Clear Thinking

  13. How to keep your liver and gallbladder healthy

In nut shell these are the phases one will go through during SIBO treatment!

Some Helpful Resources for SIBO treatment: (copy and paste the link in your browser)

1. Dr. Nirala Jacobi - SIBO treatment course for Patients

2. My SIBO Specialist - Jen Yundt Coles, AFMC, INHC

3. Feed Me Phoebe - SIBO made simple (great info - Must read)

4. For more information on SIBO - See section 11 of my Health and Wellness Page

5. If you have Histamine intolerance - read this article:

6. Books to Read - Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy, Break the Mold By Dr.Jill Crista, Acid Watcher Diet by Jonathan Aviv, How not to die by Michael Greger, Plant Paradox by Dr. Gundry, Your body type by Dr. Eric Berg

Also read another post linked to this article - "How healing my fears helped me heal my chronic diseases" - The Spiritual Aspect of IBS issues if goes unaddressed makes it keep coming back!!


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