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My Secret - behind the movie - THE SECRET! (How to manifest Love)

During consultation, people often question me that why do I ask them to watch this movie "the Secret" at least 3 or 4 times. Well, here is my Secret - behind - THE SECRET!!

When I separated from my husband, Two biggest lessons that universe wanted to teach me were - (1) to forgive him and (2) be thankful to him for whatever he did, he did it to catalyse my awakening. What's interesting about this is - how universe made me learn these lessons. First thing that came up in front of me was the movie "the secret". You all may be thinking what's the secret in that? Well the secret does not lie in watching the movie, it lies in how I was guided to watch this movie!! Yes, you will be stunned to know how I found out about the Movie!! For you the movie must have been recommended by your friends, or you accidentally stumbled upon it on You Tube, or may be heard somebody talking about it and was moved to give it a shot.

But for me the guidance came directly from Divine!! 4 years ago (Feb 2017) when I went through internal crisis (a.k.a Spiritual Awakening), I had a dream that said - "tomorrow morning after I wake up, I will go downstairs and sit with my Mom and Sister. And my sister will play some movie." GUESS - what movie did she play? - IT WAS "THE SECRET!!" YAAASSSSS!!! Unbelievable isn't it!! And that my friends was the turning point in my life. It taught me how universe works in terms of energies, what's meant by "Law of attraction" and how does it work? It provided answers to all my concerns as in why things were going so bad in my life. I learnt that my external environment was a projection of my internal environment and that things were manifesting as per my wants and desires. The problem was I was asking or wishing for things unconsciously - meaning not being aware of the consequences of my own wants. For example - I kept asking for divorce from my husband, the whole universe conspired in getting us divorced. I used to say I will go get a job in IT and live by myself with my friends - that manifested too and there are numerous other examples that got manifested one after the other. Hence, it's all about what you set your intention to. Energy follows attention, and attention follows intention.

We all know the movie is very popular and has gained lot of accolades for creating a huge difference in people's lives. It teaches people how to use "Law of attraction" to manifest anything they like or want. Some say, the secret doesn't work. If that was the case, I wouldn't have been guided to watch it by God. So, if you haven't seen it yet, GO WATCH IT NOW!! And watch it until it gets embedded in your subconscious mind and you become a natural magnet to your dreams and wishes!

My favorite quote:

The minute you decide you want something better for yourself, is the minute the entire universe begins to shift in your favor!!

How the Law of attraction can help you manifest love in your life?

According to the Law of Attraction, if you focus on something consistently, you will manifest that! Simply put, your thoughts create your world. So, if you continue to think about something it will eventually materialize. The Law of Attraction states that – like attracts like. Or to create things that you want, you have to resonate on a similar frequency!

Love can be manifested using the Law of Attraction. If you focus your thoughts on having an amazing relationship you can create that in your reality. Even you can manifest love with a specific person if you so desire!

If you truly want to have a wonderful Soulmate relationship, you must be willing to let go of those negative thoughts and feelings that are acting as hurdles in your love life! For the Law of Attraction to work you have to first release the old thought patterns that are not serving you. You have to become what you want to attract! Or, in other words, to attract love in your life, you have to become a perfect vibrational match for it.

What is stopping you from manifesting love?

Are you searching for love but always getting into toxic relationships? Or maybe you are just single for a long period of time! If you are unable to find the love of your life, it obviously means you have some internal blockages that are holding you back.

1. Limiting Beliefs

For instance, as a child, if you have watched your parents fight often, you might have drawn a conclusion subconsciously that marriage is painful. Or if one of your parents had cheated on the other, as a child you had believed that you can’t have a loyal partner! Children who grow up in dysfunctional families and have observed constant fights, dramas, divorces, and infidelity most often manifest toxic relationships as an adult!

It could be that as a child you have been conditioned with limiting beliefs about love, which are now preventing you from a good relationship.

When you have limiting beliefs around love and relationships you will be unable to manifest true love.

2. Resentment towards previous partners

When you have grudges about your Exes you will never vibrate on the frequency of love! As a result, it will be difficult for you to manifest love in your life. There is a saying that, ‘holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.’

Even if someone has really hurt you, it’s better to forgive them if you really want to have a new relationship.

3. Lack of Self Worth

Do you have a deep-down feeling that you don’t deserve true love because you are fat/thin/old/ugly/unsuccessful etc.? To find your romantic partner you have to first believe that you deserve a wonderful relationship! If you feel that you are unworthy then you will sabotage the manifestation of love.

4. You don't believe in the concept of True Love

When you don’t trust that the universe can bring you the ‘one’, guess what? Most probably, you will never find the one! So let go of all your limiting beliefs! What you are seeking is seeking you!

5. You are desperate to manifest a partner

Are you searching for a partner for a long time? Do you feel that time is slipping by and your love isn’t coming to you! If you are desperate then it is impossible for you to find your true match! To attract a compatible life partner, you have to trust the universal timing.

How to manifest Love?

Now that you have realized what’s stopping you from manifesting love in your life, start working on them. You have to take action on removing those hurdles from your life!

1. Practice Self-Love

The first step to manifesting love is by practicing love for yourself first! If you are mean towards yourself it would be very natural for you to attract relationships that will make you feel unloved and unworthy. Therefore, to manifest your dream lover, fall in love with yourself first!

2. Focus on your Wants

While manifesting a romantic partner be careful of what you say or think! If you are fearful and continuously stressing on what you don’t want in a partner, chances are you will attract someone with those qualities. Whatever you focus on grows! Therefore, put your emphasis on the qualities you desire in your partner.

3. Watch your words

Our words create our world. Consciously choose your thoughts and words. Practice speaking positive words. If you catch yourself saying something negative out loud or in your mind, immediately change the statement. "Instead of saying I don't want an argumentative partner, say I want someone who is respectable."

4. Create a Soulmate List

To manifest the dream relationship, make a list of the qualities you would want in your partner, how he/she is going to treat you, what you are going to do together, and so on. In a journal, write down all the qualities you desire. This list is called the “Soulmate List“. You can mention physical attributes such as handsome/pretty/tall etc. but it is better if you stress on the character traits.

5. Be the person you want to attract

We attract people in our lives who are our exact vibrational match. Even if you don’t like to hear this, it is a real fact! You will always attract people of your own vibe. If you want to attract an amazing life partner you have to first resonate on their vibrational level.

6. Visualize

Visualization is the technique to dream about your future as if that’s already happening. For instance, you can visualize a day with your lover, things you are doing, words you are communicating, and how you feel being in that relationship. Just seeing it won’t help! You have to feel how it feels to be already with your loving partner.

7. Make a vision board

A dream board is a collage of pictures that represent your future life. Create a dream board by pasting photos of your ideal relationship in your room or set a similar collage on the wallpaper of your phone. In a board, stick photos of loving couples, honeymoon destinations, romantic quotes, and place it where you can see it often! This acts as a reminder to you and your Subconscious mind takes the information and works day and night to bring your dream to reality.

8. Affirm Daily

Affirmations are assertive sentences written in the present tense. Practice daily affirmations on love and relationship. Affirmations such as, ‘I am loved by my Soulmate’, or ‘I am blessed to have a loving and caring wife’, can impress your Subconscious to create your words of affirmation into actual reality. Affirmations can be read, written, or spoken out loud.

9. Act As if he is already with you!

Talk, walk, and behave like you are already in a loving relationship! Yes, this is the best way to impress your Subconscious mind and raise your vibration to the level of your dream lover. Ask yourself how you will feel, behave, and act when you have your true love. Then start doing that now! This is called as – acting as if!



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