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My Kundalini Activation Experience - The Dance of Consciousness!

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

Till the age of 33 (July 2016) I was living a mundane life just going to work (8am to 5pm), coming back home, hitting gym and crashing on bed. There came a point when I dreading going to job. I just couldn't take it. My life seemed completely directionless; Lacking purpose and meaning. Woke up one morning asking myself where is my life headed? Why am I not happy? Why is my marriage not working? Why do I feel like I'm on the wrong career path, and why is my health suffering so much? I'm a firm believer of God so I turned to GOD for help. I remember standing in the temple and crying in front of GOD asking for clarity and answers to all my questions.

Guess what - Here is how I found all my answers!!

If PRAYER is a way of YOU talking to GOD, then INTUITION is a way of GOD talking to you!

I had kundalini awakening (a.k.a dark night of the soul) in Jan 2017. It was completely spontaneous without any prior knowledge. Felt a surge of energy traveling up my spine and suddenly felt more awake than ever. The whole month I was waking up between 3am and 5am in the morning. I had vivid dreams - often called as downloads from higher self. I wrote them down first thing in the morning. I had learnt from an astrologer such dreams carry some sort of divine message for you. The energy around was so strong that it demanded me to do some type of Yoga - so I did Surya Namaskar 5 times in the morning everyday and went back to sleep. Felt the sudden need to quit non-vegetarian food and turned vegetarian for that whole month. Also, it triggered certain health issues like Thyroid and sinus congestion. Mobile phones and other electronics appeared irritable. These are all symptoms of ascension that your soul is going through. Physical symptoms like these can mimic actual illnesses/diseases, which can lead to many confusing hospital visits. I remember going to hospital for check ups that often resulted in perfect results. The experience was frightening and I had no idea what was happening with me. Neither could my family understand. My family and I had contacted several Vedic astrologers in India but no one was able to tell what it was. All of them just said she will be fine soon. I had a mixed volley of emotions. At one moment I felt like crying, the other moment I wanted to laugh. It was nothing less than a feeling of ecstasy - a blend of overwhelmingly great happiness or joyful excitement and an emotional state involving experience of mystic self transcendence - the absolute bliss! Kundalini serves as the fuel for spiritual body. If any one of you reading this post can resonate with this, please understand that it is happening for you and not to you. DO NOT resist, just GO with the flow. Trust the process, trust the journey! Please write down or record any DREAMS you see during this time. And trust that you are sitting in God's lap and are being DIVINELY GUIDED! ITS YOUR ASCENSION! Embrace it! AHA :-)

Note: Please listen to your inner guidance/intuition/dreams. They are trying to tell you something. Please follow them even if they appear illogical. It can be an overwhelming experience. Your dreams may seem confusing. You may not be able to make sense out of them yet but know that the answers will come later. TAKE ACTION! One step at a time. You may have paranormal experiences like visions, voices in the form of spirit guides talking to you, premonitions, or extremely unlikely coincidences. Do not freak out! Take them seriously and reach out for help. You may think of getting validation from astrologers or counsellors (which is fine) and find that they do not have answers for you or sometimes they don't have complete answers. In that case take what resonates with you and leave behind what doesn't. Because everybody's journey is different. Only you can walk your path and carve it. GOOD LUCK!

What is Kundalini and its purpose? Kundalini in Sanskrit means "circular" or "coil" (kunda). The yoga Upanishads describe Kundalini as a form of divine energy (or Shakti) "coiled" at the base of the spine, and is represented by a snake or serpent. In Hinduism Kundalini is believed to be a latent spiritual force of immense power and potential associated with the divine feminine. The awakening of Kundalini usually takes place from the base of the spine and this is the point of departure for the ‘serpent’ to uncoil itself and travel up the spine (through your chakras). Once it reaches the crown (top of the head) the Divine Union takes place – merging with the Universe, God, or the Supreme leading to spiritual liberation a.k.a opening up of Third eye. The process is also known as Dark Night of the soul because it shows you your darker side. The areas you have given your power away. It's time to step into your power!

The purpose is to recognize your Divine Purpose, to integrate with your soul and to discover your true potential to serve yourself and others through learning how to love yourself and love others equally. You become more aware of your thoughts and actions - being in the awakened state. You get one step closer to your soul and hence to the purpose of your life.

You may wonder what to do with such a huge surge of energy? The energy is called Shakti - the divine feminine. Shakti is looking for Shiva to create a balance of masculine and feminine energies inside you. This could mean if you were separated from your partner/spouse and you were wondering why the relationship was not working, its because your chakras were blocked. There is an immense need to cleanse your soul and heal the wounded parts of yourself before you can reunite with your spouse. It will help you identify in what areas you had given your power away and how to get it back. What has been holding you back from loving yourself unconditionally. The message is to FORGIVE yourself and others and pay GRATITUDE. When you can forgive yourself, it becomes easier to forgive others. When you develop unconditional love for yourself, you become whole as a person. When you become whole with yourself, thats when you attract the right person/partner and people in your life. The ultimate purpose of Kundalini rising is to lead you towards fulfillment in life. Therefore I say - Love is the only answer so just go along where its taking you. You will find the answers later.

Three main purpose of Kundalini are: 1. To continuously improve the process of cleansing. Once the Kundalini is awakened this process goes on 24 hours a day.

2. Kundalini provides the energy for the cleansing process and enhances the development of all your major chakras. Without this energy it is very difficult to cleanse the innermost areas of your chakras.

3. Kundalini assists in the unification of the practitioner to the Oneness in order to return to the Divine Source. The energy provided by Kundalini provides the bridge between the practitioner and the Oneness.

Physical symptoms of awakening are - waking up at random hours of night, sweating, crying, or feeling an intense rush of energy going up your spine, accompanied with huge eruption of feelings. You feel a sudden need to make radical changes. You are filled with Divine love.

My Advice -

✅ Meditate for one to two hours daily

✅ Go inwards and follow the path of spirituality

✅ Ask yourself "who am I" and "what am I seeking" or "what is the purpose of my life"

✅ Seek the help of a counsellor/spiritual guru

✅ Recommended book - "Enlightenment Through the Path of Kundalini" by Tara Springett or The kundalini guide by Bonnie Greenwell! #evolutionofsoul#spiritualdevelopment#kundaliniawakeneing#darknightofthesoul#spiritualawakening#mergingofsoulwithdivine#unconditionallove#thirdeyeopening#cleansingofchakaras#ascension#timetoreborn#returningtosource#comingbackhome


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