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Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Hello Spiritual seekers,

Today, I'm sharing a soul thought on love, fear and Corona Virus. This is a post shared by my favorite spiritual teacher and author - Gary Zukav. I just loved how he associated our old consciousness with new consciousness in the context of corona virus and its spread. Please check it out!

A new consciousness is being born, and an old consciousness is dying. The new consciousness shows us ourselves, the world, and the Universe in new ways. The old consciousness does not. Both coexist in us at this time.

For example, from the perspective of the old consciousness, the internet connects us. From the perspective of the new consciousness, the internet is a reflection in the physical world of our growing awareness of our connection. From the perspective of the old consciousness, the coronavirus is creating our fear. From the perspective of the new consciousness, our fear is creating the coronavirus! How can that happen? What does that mean?

Your consciousness contains fear when you experience anger, jealousy, overwhelm, or anxiety; when you feel superior and entitled or inferior and need to please; and when you are obsessed (winning, making a profit, or romantic love), compulsive (workaholism or perfectionism), or addicted (food, sex, drugs, alcohol). All these are experiences of fear. Your consciousness contains love when you feel gratitude, patience, contentment, or awe of the Universe. These are experiences of love.

In other words, from the perspective of the new consciousness the coronavirus is an enormous and dramatic reflection of the enormous fear in our collective consciousness. Where, then, is its counterpart – the equally enormous and dramatic reflection of the enormous love in our collective consciousness? You experience that counterpart – the enormous love in our collective consciousness – each time you reach toward another with love and open yourself to her or his love. Billions of us experience it in our loving, self-imposed isolations each time we find or devise new ways to connect with others – including others we do not know – with love instead of fear, to join them instead of separate ourselves from them, to explore our goodness, softness, and tenderness, and to experience the goodness, softness, and tenderness in them.

We all experience that enormous love each time we wash our hands with the intention to protect others from the virus as well as to protect ourselves from it. We all experience that love in a big way each time we care for the well-being of others as much as we care for our own. We all experience it every time we perform an action – any action – consciously with love instead of unconsciously with fear.

We do not need the coronavirus to show us this, but this what it is designed to show us!

These are the precautions you can take :

- stay at home

- wash your hands

- sanitize your hands as much

- maintain social distance

- no hugs

- no kisses

- wear mask while coughing or sneezing - Be safe



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