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Law of Karma and Karmic relationships!

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

Law of karma is based on the principles of cause and effect. If there is a cause there will be an effect. If there is an effect, there will be a cause. The cause here refers to an action taken. Now this action is bound to bring some result. That result will depend on the kind of action taken. If the action taken was good, then it will bring good results. If the action taken was bad, it will bring bad results. Good and bad results decide the nature of your karma. Also, another important virtue that matters or defines the nature of your karma is INTENTION. It’s very essential to be aware of your intention behind every action. Intention is everything. For example, if a thief kills a person with an intention of stealing everything from that person, it’s considered a bad karma, even if the person survives. On the other hand if a doctor performs a surgery on a patient and the patient doesn’t survive, it’s still considered a good karma. Therefore, watching your intention behind every karma is very important.

Lets talk about why do we get into Karmic relationships?

Our true nature is to love not to need love. Lets say you get married and it’s a karmic relationship. You are with your partner for karmic reasons. Very likely you have been with each other in many lifetimes together and created karma. Blaming each other and fighting with each other only increases this karma. It’s trying to teach us a lesson. What we have not resolved and turned into love is karma and therefore, we have to resolve that in this lifetime. That’s why our partners offer the perfect opportunity to release and overcome our karmic burden with love, understanding and forgiveness. Sometimes, it becomes an energy draining relationship because lot of energy goes in lifting each other up. The person who cannot give any more goes and looks for another partner OR We can become aware of the qualities lacking in us and we can bring these qualities to our partner. Then we just start giving. We just love unconditionally. Basically our partner is a mirror of what we have not acknowledges or developed within in us. Our partner is expressing what we have been repressing for a very long time. So they are angels in disguise. Therefore blaming the other and forcing them to change will be wrong. We are the ones who need to change first for our own freedom and growth. Then our partner will learn from our example.



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