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Kundalini activation and its symptoms!

What is Kundalini energy and its symptoms?

Kundalini is a divine powerful energy sitting at the base of your spine. Normally it’s in the dormant state. But anything can trigger Kundalini, like trauma, depression, strong desire or an expectation. For me it happened in the house of my marriage. For you it can either happen in the area of career or health as well. When it becomes active a bolt of current rises up your spine from the root chakra to the crown chakra – opening up your third eye, giving you a spiritual liberation.

What is spiritual liberation and what is its purpose?

Spiritual is the word derived from spirit and liberation of course means freedom. So basically your soul wants to be free of all the things that doesn’t serve its purpose. Once you have the awakening you will notice that you don’t resonate with lot of things around you. This is because it shows you the dark side of your soul. The side that has been wanting to express itself but has been suppressed or unattended due to lack of awareness in life. The whole purpose of it is to awaken you and help you expand your consciousness. So that your soul can express itself in the most authentic way. The process can be really overwhelming yet fruitful because it brings your body, spirit and mind in alignment.

8 top symptoms of Kundalini awakening:

1. Physical symptoms – It can trigger medical illness or disease. In that case please seek medical attention/advice immediately. I had sinus issues, nasal polyp went for citiscan, but it disappear on its own within a week or so.

2. Very fiery energy – you will feel the energy is like a fire or electricity moving in your body up your spine causing tingling and sensations. you feel super energetic.

3. Involuntary movement – It will make you do involuntary movements. This comes into play because body has a divine intuition; it knows where to take you and how to guide you in a particular direction. This helps the body to understand where the energy needs to move in order for it to circulate more freely and get balanced. So doing physical exercises like pranayam, breathing exercises, surya namaskar, yoga will help you ground this energy.

4. Energy shifts and intense emotional changes – witness the emotions and let the emotions flow and come to the surface. Don’t block anything no matter how intense they seem to be. This is to help you get rid of any bad karma or the energy that had been keeping you stuck. So let it to the surface and be released.

5. Healing past wounds – If the energy finds something that you have transported in this lifetime, the wound or the pattern, its going to explode that pattern and as its exploding that wound or a pattern, it may come up to your awareness in the form of a flashback. This could have happened to you in the past. You may have lived it in many life times such that the patterns are deep rooted and are now wanting to be released.

6. Ego starts to dissolve under the pressure of Kundalini energy. You may feel like you are dying. Because its trying to give you a new identity someone that you weren’t before. That’s how the transformation takes place within you.

7. Sleeping is difficult – getting up in the middle of the night is also a common symptom that you go through while awakening. I would get up in the middle of the night and do surya namaskar or surya salutations to channelize the energy and then go to bed again.

8. Increased sensitivity to stimuli – For some people - the veil between the physical world and spiritual world falls off and their Spiritual gifts take off. They are able to communicate with their spirit guides much more easily. Some people have metaphysical experiences where in divine is giving them answers in the form of signs and symbols.

9. Deep sense of purpose – After Kundalini awakening has cleared out your chakras and your whole body is free of old karma, you start to feel more clear headed after the healing phase. People will very often will wake up to this deep sense of purpose in their life, that they didn’t feel before. You will feel motivated to bring a radical change in your life.

How do you know if you are going through this process of awakening?

First - you are waking up between 3am and 5am every morning.

I was waking up between this time for the whole month. I would perform Surya namaskar or as some ppl call it Surya salutations and then go back to sleep. Waking up at this time means your higher self is trying to communicate with you.

Second - is you have constant download of visions and dreams.

I had vivid dreams that I would write down first thing in the morning. Please note that those dreams contain a powerful message from the divine. All your dreams will become a physical reality one after the other. Some may take one year some may unfold after two years. In my case it took me 3 years to obtain clarity. But the whole point is that you are being called to do something big.

Third - Developing resistance or sensitivity towards mobile phone, laptop or other electronic devices.

Fourth – Do not feel like eating non-veg or meat. You turn into a vegetarian.

Fifth – your chakras are unblocked and your body, spirit and mind are aligned. You have more energy.

Sixth – Feeling isolated from the world. You may not feel connected to your current job and may want to take up a new career. Cut off toxic relationships. Change in diet and old habits. And lot of other breakdowns and fallouts.

Tips to survive Kundalini energy – Don’t fight the energy. Let it guide you and take you wherever it wants to. Do a complete surrender and enjoy the bliss! It’s trying to give you a new identity. Follow the energy and the intuition it provides. Trust that the divine itself is guiding you. This energy must be used to create something beautiful. Since this energy is a divine energy, it must be used to serve others mostly to heal others. Om Namah!

Love and Peace🙏



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