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Jupiter Mahadasha after Rahu Mahadasha - My Experience!

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

This is for all those people who are undergoing Rahu Mahadasha. Rahu mahadasha lasts for 18 years and is followed by Jupiter Mahadasha for 16 years. Attributed to the logic - Rahu is the demon and Jupiter is the Guru. Only a Guru can diminish the effects of a demon. Jupiter is also called the Light bringer. This means, Rahu is the darkness (illusion) and, Jupiter is the Guru that removes the darkness and helps you move towards light (bring clarity). Rahu is associated with darkness because it creates a shadow/fog/smoke in front of your eyes due to which the person can't see clearly. It keeps the person in illusion and therefore the native keeps wandering from one place to another. Rahu takes the native on a journey of exploration. Its job is to make the person explore and give vision. Also, because it's human nature to learn from the opposite. So Rahu provokes you to make mistakes and Jupiter helps you realize those mistakes. Now Jupiter is also expansion. So if you don't learn the lesson during Rahu Mahadasha, Jupiter will expand your mistakes and give you immense self realization. It will eat your ego up and make you humble and compassionate. Simply because Rahu amplifies your ego and Jupiter cuts through the ego and shows you the dark side of the soul. So you move from Ego based identity to living a Soul based identity. And purification of the soul is the only purpose of your life. Soul wants to be free of all the karmic burden it has brought with itself from past life rather many past lives. Rahu makes you pay that karma in the present life by taking you on a ride. And you also collect more karma by being on the ride. Jupiter helps you clear that karma by bringing you self realization. Because Jupiter is the guru that imparts higher knowledge through wisdom. My point here is that if you are going through Rahu mahadasha and are in the last phase of it, wait for Jupiter mahadasha to make any major decisions in life. For example, if you are under the influence of Rahu mahadasha and are facing problems in marriage, career and health. Please understand that its all created by Rahu. You are living in an illusion because of Rahu. DON'T REACT JUST SUCK IT UP!! As soon as the Jupiter comes, the veil will be lifted off and you will see everything clearly. Think of it this way, when you are in rahu mahadasha, you are wearing a burqa, so your vision is limited. Jupiter removes the burqa and suddenly you can see things more clearly. Its like someone just turned the bulb on. It lights up your brain and clarifies your vision such that things become truly transparent. Now if you make any hasty decision of divorcing your spouse during Rahu period, 90% chances are you will regret it later no matter what. Jupiter is the karka for husband, children, career, growth and expansion. Because it's a completely different Dasha, Jupiter tends to make one Spiritual. And spirituality brings evolution of the soul. Soul growth is the only purpose of life. When I say soul growth, I'm referring to listening to your spirit and becoming one with Divine. Inviting God in every sphere of your life! Forgiveness and Gratitude should be the theme of life.


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