The following are the signs of the Negativity:
Fear : Fear arises due to negative thinking, and a lack of faith and understanding. If you have full faith in God, there is no reason to be fearful. You are human and you will face tough situations, but if you have faith you are given the courage to tackle these situations. The first thing to do to overcome fear is to increase your faith. There is a reason fear is so much part of human existence right now. Good souls are afraid because the vibrations on earth are Negative, and these negative vibrations make you uneasy, as you are surrounded by an energy that is different from yours. You also fear that you will follow the wrong path; your subconscious mind understands this fear, but your physical mind does not - it only knows that it is afraid. However, your subconscious mind is never afraid. It is aware. Fear also comes in the form of survival instinct, which are required for your own safety. For example, you will obviously be afraid to put your hand into a fire; this is a survival instinct. Strange as it may seem, there are some people who are actually afraid of being positive. Perhaps they have had bad experiences in the past and are afraid of being hopeful, they programme themselves into believing that life is not good and that they don't deserve any positivity in their lives. They gear themselves up for disappointment. A realistic attitude is to know that there are ups and downs in life, so it is natural to hope for the good times. No matter what your past experiences are, hope is essential to human survival.
Worry : Constant worry only brings you down. People worry because they have lost faith and are too attached to outcomes. Results are not in your hands, but the process is. So do your best and then surrender to God. Complete surrender means leaving the outcome to the God and having consistent faith in him. Faith in God, your angels, your loved ones, and yourself is essential. Faith is the energy that drives you forward and brings you peace. Being without faith is like expecting a car to move forward without fuel.
Doubt : When you constantly doubt yourself, your spiritual teacher, and most importantly, God, you are being negative. It is ok to ask a questions, but if you are on the spiritual path, you must replace doubt with faith. Trust your guides! if you keep doubting them and asking for proof after they have given you knowledge and understanding, you are being negative. When you constantly doubt, your spirit is weakened because your spirit survives on faith in God.
Nagging : Nagging is spiritually wrong. It is a form of mental torture, a one-way assault of words. It comes out of ego and a lack of understanding and is an act of selfishness because you want to be heard at all costs and you want your way, no matter what.
Constantly Complaining and Grumbling : A negative person does not know the meaning of happiness. If you whine and moan your way through life, you attract misery. Some people encourage this trait in others by showing sympathy. It is essential to count your blessings. Accentuate the positive. Don't focus on the negative.
Taking on more problems than you are required to : Some people want to show the world how much they are doing, how much they are suffering. They are only harming themselves. A failure to ask for help means you are being proud and negative. You are on earth to co-exist, not to handle everything on your own. This need to prove that you can handle things on your own is your ego talking. It is unnatural. No one expects you to be superhuman.
Jealousy : One of the things that robs people of happiness is jealousy. When you constantly compare your journey with someone else's, it holds you back. Be content with your gifts, and also learn to derive joy and inspiration from the accomplishments of others. That is how spirit souls live, and it brings us true happiness. Thank God for all that you have and learn the art of contentment.
Blaming others : always look within yourself and you will recognize the source of your pain. pain can be triggered by someone else only if it already exists within you. So get to the root of the pain. Do not focus on the other person. Correct the imbalance within you, improve yourself first, and then try to help others change.
Addiction to negative thoughts : Overtime, people who are constantly negative become so used to that feeling that they cannot do without it. If they have no problems, they will create problems and drama. In many cases, self-pity and depression become habits. They start small, but are allowed to escalate into something huge.
Impatience : When you learn to develop patience, you will be more at peace. Impatience puts you off balance. Remember that things happen at the right time: timing is in God's hands, and when you are impatient you are dictating terms to God. You are asking him to put His Plan aside and put yours into motion. Your Plan is always limited. God's plan is infinite.
Reference - The laws of the Spirit world by Khorshed Bhavnagri