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How Spiritual Detoxification can help you in achieving a Happy and a Fulfilling life? My Two Cents!

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

People often ask me - Mam I want to be happy, I want to get rid of suffering and pain, I want to enjoy life, I want a loving partner, how can I find my soul's purpose, how can I make my life better etc etc....

Bottom Line, we are all seeking HAPPINESS! But we also hear that - happiness lies within us. And Happiness is a state of being! So what does it really mean? In simple terms, it means that seeking happiness outside of us is a misguided search for happiness. WHY AND HOW? Let's figure it out! (Took me 18 years!🤪)

For me Love and Happiness goes hand in hand. I often noticed this about myself - when I'm really happy or someone makes me happy - I say "love you" to that person 100 times and to God 200 times to express my gratitude. But when I'm SAD - I don't like anything, I complain about life a lot and blame others for not being able to understand my emotions or feelings. So, clearly be it Joy or Misery the source is always within YOU!😁 As your emotional state fluctuates, so does your feelings! Which means your feelings are driven by your emotions and your emotions are driven by your thoughts or words. So the point is - Your Intention/words/thoughts drive your thoughts, your thoughts drive your feelings and your feelings drive your actions and your actions produce results - or the current state of your life!

Now let's find out how is that even possible? Where is the actual source hidden?

We know:

Love is the highest energy of all

But Love is experienced through Happiness

And True Happiness comes from having a soul purpose or goal in life

Life's purpose is realised when you are in alignment with your soul

The only way to be in alignment with your soul is to come to a state of zero

A state of zero is achieved by getting rid of all the negative energies inside you (negative energies refer to negative emotions/thoughts/feelings for example - jealousy, anger, fear, resentment etc.)

This means - To remove negative energies, you have to clean up your chakras (spiritual centers - where negative energies get embedded)

To clean up chakras you must take Spiritual Shower daily

To take Spiritual Shower you have to practice Kriya Yogas or Meditation or Asanas or Mudras or Mantra Chanting etc.

Therefore, when you take Spiritual Shower daily, you stay in the state of yogastha - what we call as alignment of body, mind and soul! When every action in your life is a Kriya Oriented action, then every action becomes a Divine Action. This in turn leads to construction of a Happy and Fulfilling Life; OR a state full of Wisdom, Bliss and Creativity!

Therefore, Divine life is nothing but management of Energies!

Energies can be managed by performing Kriya yogas!

Kri - means to act or to perform

Ya - means to be aware of that Supreme Being within you who is directing and accomplishing the work through you

Hence, Kriya yoga is an act performed to come into union with yourself - Union of your invisible body (energy/subtle body) with the visible body (physical being).

Therefore, Yoga is not for body, this body is for yoga!

This Body has been given as an instrument to perform yoga.

(Credit - Yogi Buddhadeva - My Guruji)

Kundalini Kriya Yoga is an ever evolving and progressing science of consciousness for continuous joyful journey of life! Kundalini is bioelectrical, psychospiritual, creative and divine energy!

The process is defined as - SHUDDHI - BUDDHI - SIDDHI - SAMADHI - SAMRIDDHI

Purification or detoxification of soul/thoughts (SHUDDHI)

leads to

Rise in consciousness/awareness/intellect/awakening (BUDDHI)

which in turn leads to

Attaining SIDDHI - perfection of that one thing - Mastery of something by doing that over and over again

This in turn leads to SAMADHI - Unity consciousness - We are all one - looking at people with no judgement - we all came from one source - God

When you see yourself in everyone - that leads to SAMRIDHI -

A Happy, Prosperous, Loving and Fulfilling Life! 😍

Also, my Guruji asked me a question – Why no type of modern life coaching, counseling, psychotherapy or cognitive behavior therapy, chakra healing, meditative healing is unable to bring a qualitative change or bring healing in person’s life? What more needs to be added to deal with this? How can we improve this?

This was my response – Because modern life coaching targets at treating the person or the condition at the surface/physical level. It does not get to the root of the problem. The root of the problem is embedded in the subconscious mind of the person which is the storehouse or powerhouse of healing. Simply because the body in the first place was created by the divine intelligence of a subconscious mind. Therefore, all injuries, diseases, illnesses, problems, or issues in life begin and end with subconscious mind. All emotions stem from soul or heart! And the Soul is driven by subconscious mind just as your physical body is driven by your conscious mind. Therefore, Ignoring the one or the other will lead to an imbalance in life since subconscious mind, blindly obeys the commands given by the conscious mind.

What more must be added – We must be trained to reprogram our subconscious mind at an early age. Instead of Moral Science lectures in school – there should be a workshop on transforming your personality through subconscious/emotional healing. Instead of Home Science lectures we must conduct workshops on educating people about how spiritual detoxification can help them in creating a healthier life for themselves and teach them – how to live with people around them – Also, how taking spiritual shower daily in addition to physical (cold water) shower can bring a huge qualitative change in their lives and bring the happiness they seek in their life.

ZARA'S WISDOM - Fear is the root cause of all diseases.

Heal your fears and watch your diseases disappear!


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