Accept the problem: Whatever the obstacle, make sure you don't run away from it.
Have a sincere and genuine desire to change the situation and deal with it well.
Try to think of every obstacle as a test. If you fail, the test will keep coming back to you and it will continue to become harder and harder.
Understand that this is what you have chosen in the spirit world for your own growth or it is a result of a choice you have made in your present life. Testing and training are opportunities for growth that will help you improve. When you understand why things happen your resistance to them is lower and you are no longer negative about your problems.
Be positive and have faith in God. Pray. Ask god to give you strength and wisdom.
Try not to add more karma. Act wisely. Remember that even the smallest sin has to be accounted for. Just as the smallest drop in the ocean helps form the whole, so it is with karma. The smallest action good or bad has consequences.
Do not compare journeys. Never question why you are experiencing pain and some else is not. That itself is a negative thought and will prevent you from growing.
Control the physical mind and listen to the subconscious mind. It stays calm during a calamity and will guide you.
Never blame others for the things that happen in your life. You must take responsibility for your life. You can change anytime you want to. Most people are weak because they choose to be.
Even when you are in trouble or experiencing pain, try to help someone else through small acts of kindness. This change of focus will help you. Make sure your motive is pure. When you help others, God gives you the strength to go through your own problems more easily and you also get blessings from the people you help.
Take action: Do your best and leave the rest to God.
Reference: Laws of the Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagri