A number of clients ask me about being a victim of Black Magic and Psychic Attacks. If this is happening to you, you need to understand that another person can only have power over you if you are willing to give it to them. If you allow beliefs of being possessed or psychically assaulted to take hold of you, you are literally making yourself into a victim. Black Magic and Psychic entities are low vibrational energies. You will only get affected by those energies if you are in low vibration escrow as well. Black magic comes from a person who does not like you or there is something about you that bothers them which is why they want to return that negative energy to you. Ask yourself - Did you reject them? Did you abandon them? Did you insult them? or Are you more rich and affluent than them? Some people do Black Magic out of jealousy, simply because they can't see you happy because they themselves have no reason to be happy in life. So their happiness lies in pulling you down in some way or the other.
As far as psychic attacks go - these are real! You are most likely to experience them if you are on a spiritual path. Psychic attacks are negative energies sent to you by your clients or negative people who come in your contact during your spiritual journey.
For example - I had a client reached out to me for confirming if she was in a Twin Flame journey. I listened to her symptoms and asked her few questions. It showed no signs of Twin Flame Journey. So I told her to turn towards Divine and ask if she was really on this journey and that guy who she thinks could be her Twin is actually her Twin. She felt bad. She felt like instead of giving her the confirmation I was rejecting her or abandoning her from this blissful journey. She stayed quiet for the rest of the conversation and then we hung up. A day later I started hearing her voices in my ears like she was mad at me and was really cussing me out. This is called as psychic attack from people who are offended by you.
The First step towards letting go of these experiences is to firmly refuse to engage with them. In the next step, you can visualize yourself in a protective bubble of love and the being or person who you are afraid of in a separate bubble. You should then visualize this being in their bubble between the very big and loving hands of your higher power or Divine and wish this being to be healed and happy. You need to have this loving wish because their aggression can only have arisen from their own unhappiness and their connection to you can only have arisen from your own unhappiness. Therefore, if you want to be free of the connection to evil beings, you need to wish them to be happy from your deepest heart. This loving wish is the best psychic protection possible.
Alternatively, visualize the frightening being within a bubble of loving light cradled between the hands of your higher power. Remember that evil always comes from suffering and wish the evil being to be happy and healed with all your heart.
You can also light incense or candle in the house to ward off negative energies. Or get some Havana done by pundits in order to cleanse or get rid of those negative entities once in a while.
I have also made a video on this on You Tube in Hindi. Please Watch!
Reference - Kundalini Awakening by Tara Springett