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Does Twin Flame connection really exist? ~ MY STORY!

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Do you often question if you are in a Twin Flame connection? Does it really exist?


Here is how I found out about my Twin Flame journey:

After I separated from my husband, I had a spontaneous Kundalini activation. Kundalini is the divine force/energy that cleanses your chakras and raises your vibration to the highest frequency possible. You literally become God and are thus asked to act and serve like Divine. This episode initiated my spiritual awakening process and motivated me to find the true purpose of my life. I thought my marriage was over and I was being guided to file a divorce. Though I was always skeptical about it!! Even though the relationship was extremely toxic I couldn't get him out of my head. Something or the other kept bothering me about him. It was like - a part of me hated him and never wanted to see his face for being so selfish and manipulative. But there was also a part of me that couldn't get rid of him. SO WHAT WAS THAT?? Well the second voice came from 5D (what we call as the 5th Dimension of consciousness). While the First voice came from 3D (called as the 3rd Dimension of consciousness). 3D is the practical world we live in and 5D is the spiritual world that is not visible but is very much active more active than the physical world. My intuition was saying out loud that "HE IS THE ONE" but I did not show faith in it, owing to the suffering I experienced in my relationship. And that is the catch here!! 3D is all about being logical and analytical. 5D on the other hand is purely based on intuition - a soul's calling that goes beyond logic. You must listen to your intuition no matter how illogical it sounds at that point. Know that there is no room for LOGIC but only MAGIC in God's creation!! :)

Two years later I ended up getting a job in the same company as my husband. I immediately understood that my intuition was hundred percent on point. There was still something keeping us tied up. But the confusion was - the moment I saw him I wanted to run away. The more I tried to run away the more it showed me signs (synchronicities) to get back with him. I had vivid and lucid dreams that provoked me to let go of my ego and reunite with my husband. I was being shown every single detail about his life - He bought a new house, a music system etc etc. I tried every possible way to convince him but nothing worked! I couldn't make sense of anything. It was like a PUSH and PULL scenario (aka - runner and chaser dynamic in Twin Flames) something I had no control over.

However, an year later (2019), Saturn went direct around my birthday in September and took my kundalini energy away. Furthermore, Jupiter came to my ascendant on Nov - 5 - 2019 bringing immense shift in the energies. The veil/fog was finally lifted off and I was showered with tremendous clarity!! All the answers I had been looking for to solve this puzzle started falling in my lap, left and right. Another cycle of having numerous supernatural experiences started revealing my TWIN FLAME connection with my husband.

Here is what I experienced to my surprise:

1. Had a dream/vision - someone was driving my car and I was sitting on the passenger seat. Suddenly the car hit somebody dressed in black (head to toe) probably Saturn and took a 180 degree U-Turn - then it was like someone asked me to wake up and look at the phone - the timing was 11:11. I searched for it and found that its a mirror number highly significant of your Twin Flame journey.

2. In another lucid dream, I was guided to cut all cords/wires with the toxic people. Then I searched for it and found that it means you have to clean all your energies with the lovers of this lifetime or of the past lifetimes to move ahead in your TF journey.

Since I was going through Heart Chakra cleansing at that time, I decided to test my telepathy connection with my husband. One night before sleeping, I sent him a message - "I MISS YOU"... guess what guys - it reverted back in the same exact manner - "I MISS YOU TOO" like it came straight from his heart.

3. Learnt the significance of chakra balancing in this journey. So I started doing chakra balancing meditation every night. To my surprise, my chakras flipped over while doing this meditation. I felt my husband's chakra on the right side of my body clenching my lips. I was shocked - literally taken aback to feel his one half of the chakras on my right side. After this revelation I didn't need any proof for this journey's existence. I humbly accepted it and surrendered to God with instant gratification!

4. After I started doing my inner work diligently, I felt his energy within me for the first time in 4 years of my awakening. One day I was just sitting in my room trying to connect with myself and suddenly I felt like he sent me a bolt of energy. It was so clean and clear like he was remembering me and wanted me by his side.

5. Lay down your defenses my friend. If you still think its an illusion - it's your Ego saying that.

Open your mind and heart to all answers. You will find growth in listening. There is more to this love than merely having a physical connection, a romantic fling or third party situation with someone. You are losing the lesson altogether if you are still looking for outside validation of this connection.

Trust the Process. Believe in the power of Love, of the creator of that love. Let it transform you, heal you, and use you as a vessel of unconditional love. Let your Soul guide you in this long path!


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