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Significance of Master Number 11:11

1. Oneness - 11:11 is a string of 1sss so it represents one-ness. One-ness with GOD, One-ness with Divine, One-ness with Universe, One-ness with yourself, One-ness with your Past, Present and Future.

2. In Tarot - 11:11 represents balance. It represents Intuition, creativity, genius-ness, refinement, and wish fulfillment. 11:11 is a call to return to a balanced state and claim the life lessons in front of you.

3. Manifesting thoughts - Seeing 11:11 is a sign that your thoughts are manifesting. It also indicates its a perfect moment to make a wish.

4. Spiritual Awakening - Seeing 11:11 represents enlightenment and awakening. Divine is communicating with you. You are Divinely guided to be on the path of inner growth and development. Strong indication of synchronicity. Connection with the spiritual realm (above and beyond the physical world)

5. Twin Flame (Mirror number) - Seeing 11:11 means divine guidance has been passed on to you. You have met your Twin Flame. If you see 11:11 more often, your faith on the journey should become stronger. It indicates your mind, soul and body are getting aligned. Your Twin is your mirror, hence when you are manifesting your Twin, you are manifesting yourself. This means you are manifesting your soul's desires. The journey is more about self - awareness and self - acceptance. It makes you more conscious. Because you help each other spiritually awaken, heal and grow by triggering each other. It calls for you to properly integrate unresolved past, cleanse your soul of all the clutter and align with your true self.

6. Angel guides - Seeing 11:11 frequently means, angels are possibly trying to reach you. Someone from heavens is calling you. To listen to them pay attention and tune into the guidance that is available.

7. Many meanings : One answer - Seeing 11:11 is an opportunity, don't let it pass by. There are many ways to interpret it. One action you can take is (to help you deduce its message for you) - PAUSE and LISTEN to the calling.



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