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Depression - Is it due to Health issues or are your Chakras blocked?

Depression refers to a state of Deep_Rest. Depression could be due to many reasons. Often its associated with tremendous stress that we are unable to cope up with in our day to day lives. This stress could be resulting from factors like bad marriage, soul sucking job, not getting along with anyone in relationships, lack of love, lack of money, lack of good friends (social life), single parenting, being sick all the time and so on. These are mostly external factors that people think are the main cause; but the fact is that these are the collective symptoms surfacing from internal factors experienced by human body associated with either Health issues or blocking of Chakras.

I'm going to talk about two main intrinsic factors associated with Depression that people are mostly unaware of. They are:

1. Health issues (Lack of vitamins and minerals)

2. Chakra blockages (Spiritual energy centers)

Health issues: We all struggle with some type of health issues. Even though we appear fine from outside, have all are body parts intact and functioning properly, yet there is a feeling of absence of happiness. Do you feel low all the time? Do you suddenly start crying or feel like giving a fret to someone? Do you find it hard to control your anger/aggression? These could be all symptoms of deficiency of one or the other nutrients in the body and mainly vitamins and minerals. Our body is made up of 6 major nutrients - Carbohydrates (sugars and dietary fibers), Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and water. These substances together drive the biological activity in the human body and perform vital functions. Carbohydrates are needed for the healthy functioning of Heart and Brain. I recommend eating good carbs like potatoes, vegetables, rice (in limited amounts), lentils and fruits. Potatoes are the best source of healthy carbs. Once broken down in the body provide steady amount of energy and also boosts seretonin which gives you immense amount of happiness. So, potatoes are the power packed source of Energy and happiness. Fats essentially provide energy to your body and support cell growth. I can't lay much emphasis on adding good fats in your diet. Good sources of saturated fat include Butter, Ghee (clarified butter), Avocados, Olive oil, Coconut oil with Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) and mustard oil. Fats help in balancing the sugar levels in the body. Refrain from using refined oil and fried foods. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, skin (hair, nails) and blood. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues, and to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Sources of protein are – Chicken, Fish, Salmon, Tofu, Cheese, Beef, Lentils, Beans, Black eyed peas etc. Water - we all know how important water is for our body. Our body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Drinking ample amounts of water through out the day is very essential for keeping the body hydrated.

Out of all these Vitamins and Minerals play the most crucial role in our body. Vitamins are a group of substances that are needed for normal cell function, growth, and development. They also convert food into energy and repair cellular damage bolstering your immune system. Numerous vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to fatigue (tiredness) and depression. Some of the common causes of chronic fatigue involve deficiencies in 3 vitamins and 2 minerals.

3 vitamins that can cause depression are -

a. Lack of Iron: Severe deficiency of Iron can cause anemia. Lack of iron can occur due to lack of Vitamin C in the body. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron in the body. So if your body is not making ferritin, it could be probably due to deficiency of Vitamin C. Lack of Vitamin C can also cause mood disorders and take away the cheerfulness. To make up for the deficiency of Vitamin C, drink orange juice (side effects - high sugar content and often causes gas and bloating), lemon water (side effects - strips off nutrients from the body and excess of it causes dryness). Best source of Vitamin C is Amla juice (rich in Vitamin A as well) with no side effects. Best source of iron is Apple eaten with Kiwi and other green leafy vegetables.

b. Lack of Vitamin D: Deficiency of Vitamin D makes your muscles weak and causes bone pain hence leading to fatigue. Also impacts person's mood. One can develop mood swings. It also causes darkening of the skin. Person often gets sick and develop infections. Slow healing of wounds after surgery or injury may be a sign that your vitamin D levels are too low. Best sources of Vitamin D are fatty fish, dairy products, beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. You can also take Vitamin D supplements.

c. Lack of Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is essential for normal functioning of the brain and the nervous system. It is also involved in the formation of red blood cells. The production of red blood cells reduces if vitamin B-12 levels are too low. Anemia (fatigue, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat) can occur if the red blood cell count drops. Also, Vitamin B-12 enables the release of energy by helping the human body absorb folic acid. Even slightly lower-than-normal levels of vitamin B-12 can trigger deficiency symptoms, such as depression, confusion, and memory problems. Best sources of Vitamin B-12 are beef, beef liver, chicken, eggs, milk, Turkey, salmon, and sardines. You can also rely on supplements.

2 minerals that can contribute to depression are -

a. Lack of Magnesium - Magnesium plays an integral role in your body's ability to keep your heart, kidneys, and muscles healthy. It also regulates nutrient levels, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium deficiency is an electrolyte disturbance in which there is a low level of magnesium in the body. The symptoms include anxiety, weak bones, low energy, weakness, inability to sleep, PMS and Hormonal imbalances, irritability, nervousness, headaches, muscle tension, spasms, cramps and fatigue. You can increase your magnesium levels by eating whole wheat, green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, legumes, and seafood.

Magnesium is also, a natural muscle relaxer and plays a large role in the development of serotonin, which is a major contributor to feelings of happiness. Magnesium Glycinate instead of other magnesium supplements is the most readily absorbable form by the body. It can instantly elevate mood disorders and make the person feel happy.

b. Lack of Potassium - Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It helps to regulate muscle contractions, nerve signals and fluid balance. It may also help reduce blood pressure and water retention. Common signs and symptoms of potassium deficiency include weakness and fatigue, muscle cramps, muscle aches and stiffness, tingles and numbness, breathing difficulties, digestive symptoms and mood changes. Foods rich in Potassium are Avocados, Bananas, Spinach, Watermelon, Coconut water, White Beans, Black beans, Edamame. Supplements can also be prescribed.

Note: In cases where your nutritional tank is full, meaning your blood test shows normal or within the recommended range of nutrient levels, yet you feel sluggish or drained out and depressed. Please consider taking Antidepressants! They are prescribed in very low amounts and are very effective in stabilizing mood swings. They work by increasing levels of serotonin (a natural booster of happiness) in the human body. Thus improving the overall health and wellness of the being.

Yes, I have been a VICTIM of all of these! Have I ever taken Antidepressants? Yes I have, only for a short period of time though. It is indeed very effective!

Blocked Chakras: Sometimes FATIGUE can result from Blocked Chakras. We all have issues attributed to the stressful world we live in. Although we live in a marvelous world, life is far from easy. Human body has 7 chakras situated along the spine through which your life force (Prana) energy moves. Chakras are the major centers of spiritual power in the human body and are circles of energy which balance, store and distribute the energies of life throughout our physical body. What is fascinating about the chakras is that they not only provide various parts of the physical body with energy, but they also take care of our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. A blockage in the chakra comes from traumatic or negative experiences during a lifetime that have not been released. Negative thoughts or belief patterns will also cause blocks. Many times, one does not even know there are blocks, until the body suddenly demonstrates physical symptoms. Common physical symptoms of imbalance of chakras are chronic fatigue, digestive issues, liver problems, diabetes, ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder dysfunction. Emotional imbalances include issues of self-sabotaging, inner criticism, stuck in past mistakes, ruthless, disconnect from emotions, unable to truly give and receive love, isolation and loneliness, lack of direction, guilt, not being able to forgive and pay gratitude etc. Although many believe that an illness causes a block in the chakra, it is really the other way round. When illness manifests in a part of the body, there is likely to be a correlated blockage or imbalance in one or more of your chakras. Blocked energy in our seven chakras can lead to distress, so its important to understand what each one represents and what we can do to keep it open and flowing freely. When our chakras are out of alignment we experience pain, lack of love, fear, anxiety, nervousness, lack of vitality etc. When Chakras are in alignment, we feel amazing, confident, and experience a flow of abundance in all forms. The more aligned your chakras are, the higher quality of life you will have. If chakras interest you beyond the above breakdown, you can find information about chakra balancing and realignment. This can involve many things including yoga, meditation, chakra cleansing, chakra healing, and chakra balancing. You can also inquire about holistic/healing Health Practitioners at your hospital, or reach out for Reiki and biomagnetism healing process.

Key tips to stay HEALTHY and HAPPY:

1. Eat wholesome food.

Your plate must contain a portion of grains, protein, salad and vegetables made in fat. Also eat at-least two fruits at any time of the day.

2. Control and balance your sugar levels in the body.

Stay away from refined sugar and sugary drinks. Cut down on bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, and cookies and soda. Eat organic vegetables, fruits and salads (Satvik food) as much as you can instead.

3. Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water.

Have Juices and smoothies once in a while. I recommend eating smoothies rather than drinking them.

4. Keep your Chakras in balance through Yoga and Meditation or through energy healing techniques. Meditation instills peace and brings a state of nothingness. As Deepak Chopra says "A quiet mind is better than a positive mind."


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