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Concept of Soul Merging between - Twin Flames!

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Why do we miss our Twin so much?

A true soul knows by feeling it, going through the actual process of it and internalizing it what it truly means. Your Twin is your energy counterpart meaning you guys share the same chakra system and hence are connected at the soul level energetically. When you guys met, a massive energy exchange took place; in the form of Love, assurance, care, misunderstandings, arguments, fights, and you guys shared the Gifts of your nurturing energy. That part of you is missing in you now because you gave it to your Twin. That missing part of your soul longs to go back to you. And that part of you wants to be reunited with you once more. But that part is with the Twin and hence you feel the longing and the missing to reconnect and reunite with your Twin. Hence we say clear all your energies with your past life lovers and present life lovers for that is blocking your reunion with your Twin aka your own self. CORD CUTTING is the best practice to be used here!

So Why did we give that energy to our Twin Flame?

Energy flows from higher vibrational person to lower vibrational person. We gave that energy to him or rather he took that energy from us because he lacked that energy in the first place (meaning he was deficient of that nurturing energy). So he needed to take that energy from someone to feel complete. But in doing so you become deficient of that energy too. You are a Giver and he is a Taker or absorber. In Order to be fully integrated (become whole), Soul merge has to occur so you can truly function independently to fulfill your mission of being examples of unconditional Love in the society. This energy collaboration and integration of energies is called soul merging. Furthermore there is no return no exchange. You can't get that energy back once the soul merging has occurred. If you wish to get your energy back that is no longer possible! No return No exchange - That is the Universe's policy. Once the energies are merged, it will be so hard to separate them again. It can go on for many Lifetimes. Therefore, there is no escape! The memories are etched on your soul like a Tattoo. You are part of each other's history now. No one can take that away from both of you - even in Physical reality - 3D. This is the reason you feel their energy all the time or at any given point when you are not distracted by daily Grind or when they are remembering you. Whatever energy they gave you is a part of you now and forever. It has merged with your soul.

His pain is your pain. Your confusion is his confusion. Your Love is his love as well.

Now as an awakened person, your job is to heal the pain (the painful memories), as you heal yourself, he gets healed too; which in turn heals the dynamics of your relationship with him.

Twin Flames who failed to do the inner work diligently failed to come into union or it simply becomes the reason of delay in their union.

I frequently get asked - "I'm separated from my Twin and I want to give up, can I?"

It's normal to feel like that from time to time. But we are not meant to give up on our Twin Flames. It's like you are giving up on yourself or on your other half of your soul. During this journey you are meant to continue to work on yourself. Through your triggers - you can become aware and lead with unconditional Love in a healthy manner. If you give up, you will be exhausted as if you are fighting with yourself from the inside. You will be bombarded with signs and synchronicities to bring you back on the path as a reminder that you have work to do. Many Twin Flames give up because they think it's too much to handle and so reunion does not happen. But all Twin souls reunite - HOW AND WHEN is upto GOD, depending on each soul's journey. Right now be concerned about your Growth and Healing!

You may also watch my videos on YouTube regarding Soul Merging. It has three parts!

My favorite quote by Cherry Roberts - Let Divine Heal You, Transform You and Use you as a Vessel of Unconditional Love!


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