Are you chasing your Soulmate? Does it worry you constantly that when and how you will meet him or her? STOP CHASING!!
Here is the secret - Mate with your own soul and watch him appear in your life!! 😀
The law of attraction says what we are chasing is chasing us. Chasing love means there is absence of love in your life, in other words you need love. When you become needy, then you attract the kind of person who is needy as well. Do you want that? No, right!
What we want is alignment. So ask yourself - are you a mate to your soul? OR are you a vibrational match to your own soul? Law of nature says "when you need something the most, it’s time to give that the most." Now this means to be able to receive Love, you have to give Love freely! Yes, it does not need chasing, what it takes is being a vibrational match to your soul, so you can attract the person with the same vibrational frequency. And so to do that you must become Love.
How do you become love?
To become love, you have to let go of every drop of ego residing inside you. Love cannot reside where there is ego. When you get rid of ego, pure love radiates through you. That’s when you have so much to give. When you are ready to give, you become open to receiving. We live in the world of duality. The two sides are love and fear. We always have an option to chose to respond from one or the other. You can either chose to respond from Love or Fear. The intention of love is to respond from love. That’s why you are here. Authentic power is to recognize your frightened parts and distinguish between love and fear and chose to operate from love. Love is a state of being. Therefore, when you operate from love, you become love. To become love is to be in alignment with your soul. You are here to prosper. Prosperity is a process, and process is about purpose. Purpose is about loving and giving. Practice giving away your life and you will find prosperity and peace in that giving because Giving is receiving! Start with loving yourself first. Willingness to forgive yourself and love yourself unconditionally is the first step to be in harmony with all the universal principles.
My story: I was sprinting for love until I learnt to love myself. I got separated from my husband in sept 2016. Had spiritual awakening (Kundalini activation) in Jan 2017. The message from my awakening was “you are sprinting for love!” I didn’t understand it at all. I had no idea what it meant and how to decode it. I thought it meant that I was looking for love. Probably because being with my husband I always complained that I don’t feel loved. We didn't have compatibility and no good communication. So we decided to part our ways and never looked back. Then I learnt something profound. I learnt that when you change yourself, you attract the right person in your life. So, I started to change my thoughts and beliefs in order to change myself. Basically started to change the frequency of my brain. I became more and more spiritual. As I progressed on the path of spirituality, things started to unfold.
I decided to get a decent job and settle down with somebody. As, I was looking for a job, I did not find job anywhere else but in the same company as my husband. So after 2 years of separation, I landed in the same company as him and we looked at each other completely shocked. I thought it was God's sign that we were meant to be together. But I wasn’t sure because our divorce was in process at the same time. I tried meeting my husband and asking him if he wanted to give our relationship one more chance. He said NO! But again There was an eclipse and my energy changed so much that I had a strong pull to go talk to him and ask him if he could consider it again. He said NO again! It was then I understood the meaning of "me sprinting for love." Since God was making me run after him so much, I was convinced that there is something between us. There is some kind of energetic cord thats pulling us towards each other again and again. But clearly the timing was not right yet since nothing was materializing. With this thought in mind, before signing divorce papers I asked him again, and this time he said “please move on and don’t make this harder.” I was finally convinced that it’s over. But I told him that I have seen in my dreams that he is the one. I couldn’t understand it myself coz we didn’t have that lovey dovey relationship ever and yet God was telling me to go back to him. Almost an year passed. Our divorce was finalized in March 2019, and in Sept 2019 I got hit hard by planet’s energies again. I believe I was undergoing a period of transformation. Planets squeezed me so hard that all my dreams I had during awakening started unlocking. I got immense clarity about everything. I was crying profusely and was saying to myself that why didn’t I accept my mistake earlier. It’s all my fault. I have to apologize for it. The lesson I learnt was to let go of my EGO and forgive him wholeheartedly. I understood that he didn’t agree before coz I didn’t forgive him with no ego. Talking and discussing things with keeping your ego on the side is what has the power to turn things around. Which means you have to choose to come from a place of love to receive love. I call it a true ASCENSION!! For I learnt it the hard way through real experience of running after love - which is none other than my husband. Yes that’s true! The best part is when my ego was completely crushed by the planets (astrologically speaking) all I said was - “I have to give unconditional love to him!” (Like its a fated destiny).
Then immediately I had a vision that he is coming to take me home. Yes after being separated for 3 years. The entire awakening process seemed like a movie! I went through lot of pain and misery trying to change myself. All I had to learn was to let go of my ego and send him blessings and love. Internal change is the prerequisite for external change. When you do that kind of work upon yourself then you don't need to sprint or chase anyone, be it your boyfriend, spouse, or friend. This is the law of manifestation. You can even manifest your Ex.
Moral of the story - Don’t chase love, become Love! Mate with your own soul! Don't go searching for it rather work for it. They will appear at the right time. Let go of the ego for it destroys everything you can imagine. Choose to operate from a space of unconditional love. Only Love has the power to build or heal anything. Spread Love, Love is the only answer ♥️♥️