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Updated: Oct 31, 2021

Chakra and Aura healing are both forms of energy healing that can be used when someone is feeling ill or stressed, or simply to ensure well-being. The word "Chakra" is derived from the Sanskrit word "cakra meaning wheel."

Chakras are energy centers that reflect what is happening to you now. They work together, so when one or more is blocked, it impairs the working of other chakras, causing imbalances that can hamper your emotional and physical well-being.

The state of the chakras is related to your current life situation, but they are also affected by your past experiences. Variations in chakras can tell your life story and describe the imbalances in it. They channel energy throughout your body and can become blocked in the same way as your mind becomes blocked when you are facing a difficult decision. Depending on the issue, it can take sustained effort to remove a blockage from a chakra.

The energy body is the human energy field that extends beyond the physical body. Much as your physical body consists of many layers - your nervous system, musculature, and skeletal system ---- with intricate, overlapping functions, your energy body also consists of many interacting layers. Together the layers of your energy body are called your Aura. Your aura interacts with your physical body as well as your energy centers, or chakras. Auras are a reflection of your mood and intent. Auras can change quickly depending on your current situation. They are affected not only by your state of mind but by the people around you. For example, you may feel weakened by the effect of go-getting workmates and changed by being in the company of a loved one. Depending on your circumstances, your aura can be changed quite quickly. Therefore, it can also be adjusted easily and quickly.

The foundation of the chakra system consists of seven major chakras within the body. They each serve a purpose and are all interconnected. The upper three chakras are considered the spiritual chakras. The spiritual chakras focus on our connection to the Divine, as well as our Higher-self ----- that version of yourself that is tapped into our purest expression of love, wisdom, and power. The lower three chakras are considered the physical chakras. They ground us as human beings on Earth. Both the spiritual and physical chakras are connected in the center through the Heart Chakra.

A. Root Chakra

This chakra is largely responsible for how safe and secure you feel.

  1. Sanskrit Name: Muladhar

  2. Other Names: First Chakra and Base Chakra

  3. Location: At the perineum, between the genitals and the anus, base of the spine

  4. Color: Red

  5. Element: Earth

  6. Affirmation: "I am"

  7. Glands: Adrenals

  8. Mantra: LAM

  9. When Out of Harmony: inability to trust nature, feel ungrounded, feel disconnected from mother earth, feel insecure, function out of fear that our basic primal needs is not being met - (such as food, shelter, clothing, and love) and feel unsafe

  10. When in Harmony: profoundly connected to nature, feel grounded, trust in the natural laws, and are able to move with the flow of life. We also come from a place of understanding that we are always connected to our family values in a healthy way and we feel safe.

  11. Physical Body Parts: The Physical body, base of spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, immune system, large intestine, teeth

  12. Life Lessons: To feel safe and secure in the "physical plane," to manifest our basic needs, and to cultivate healthy (physical) sexuality.

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, hemorrhoids, constipation, degenerative arthritis, knee problems, depression, immune-related disorders, weight problems

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Physical family and group safety and security, ability to provide for life's necessities, ability to stand up for self.

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: Fear of being alive, guilt

  16. Crystals: Ruby, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Hematite, Smoky Quartz

  17. Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Vetiver, Spikenard, Patchouli

B. Sacral Chakra

This chakra is largely connected with sexual and reproductive activities, as well as emotions and creativity

  1. Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

  2. Other Names: Second Chakra, Pelvic Chakra, Naval Chakra

  3. Location: Two inches below the Navel

  4. Color: Orange

  5. Element: Water

  6. Affirmation: "I Feel"

  7. Glands: Ovaries and Testicles

  8. Mantra: Vam

  9. When Out of Harmony: difficulty expressing our feelings, out of touch with pleasure, hold unprocessed anger. We feel stifled in our creativity and resentful for not being able to birth our ideas into the world. Relationship issues, reproductive issues, or feel unstable or unhealthy around aspects of our sexuality. There will also be feelings of shame. There will also be feelings of shame. Have issues around money and abundance.

  10. When in Harmony: we are in flow with our creative expression, in touch with pleasure, able to share and express feelings in healthy ways, create and maintain healthy relationships, and are connected to the emotional aspects of sexuality in ways that sustain us. We feel at peace with our abundance, and may even be in touch with our clairsentience (the gift of taking in intuitive information through feeling). We also have healthy relationship to money and easily cultivate abundance in our lives in balanced ways.

  11. Physical Body Parts: Womb, genitals, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hip area, kidneys

  12. Life Lessons: To use emotions to connect with others without losing our identity, and to freely express creativity and healthy (emotional) sexuality

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, uterine/bladder/kidney problems

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Guilt and blame, money, sex, power and control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: Sexual abuse or trauma, rape, gender issues

  16. Crystals: Carnelian, Amber, Moonstone, Coral, Orange tourmaline, Sunstone

  17. Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, Lemon, Patchouli

C. Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra largely corresponds with our personality, self-esteem, and sense of worth

  1. Sanskrit Name: Manipura

  2. Other Names: Third Chakra, Power Chakra

  3. Location: Two inches above the Navel

  4. Color: Yellow

  5. Element: Fire

  6. Affirmation: "I Can"

  7. Glands: Pancreas and Adrenals

  8. Mantra: RAM

  9. When Out of Harmony: Need to Dominate and Control, Have a great need for Prestige and keeping up appearances, and we function through the world with deep feelings of inadequacy. In short, we do not respect ourselves, and may even manifest self hatred. We may give away our power to others, leaving us with no sense of self.

  10. When in Harmony: We feel whole, centered in who we are, know our self-worth, cultivate our personal power in healthy ways, and are in touch with our inner warrior. There is a balance between spiritual and material worlds, we develop tolerance and acceptance (of ourselves and others), and feel inner peace and calm

  11. Physical Body Parts: Abdomen, Stomach, Upper Intestines, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Middle Spine

  12. Life Lessons: To experience the depth of who we are with self-empowerment and self esteem, tp live our life task or soul's life purpose

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Arthritis, Gastric or Duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes, anorexia or bulimia liver or adrenal dysfunction, fatigue, hepatitis, diabetes

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Trust, Fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, care of self and others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, personal honor

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: Stuffed or repressed anger, issues of control especially in areas related to power

  16. Crystals: Yellow citrine, Amber, Yellow Topaz, Yellow Tiger's eye, Yellow Agate

  17. Essential Oils: Lavender, Rosemary, Rosewood, Lemon, Roman chamomile

D. Heart Chakra

This chakra is the connecting link between the lower chakras and the higher chakras. It holds our connection to both the physical world and the spiritual aspects of ourselves. It is also how we get in touch with our Higher self in relation to the rest of the world (and even the universe).

  1. Sanskrit Name: Anahata

  2. Other Names: Fourth Chakra

  3. Location: At the center of the chest

  4. Color: Green

  5. Element: Air

  6. Affirmation: "I Love"

  7. Glands: Thymus

  8. Mantra: YAM

  9. When Out of Harmony: Disconnected from ourselves, difficulty loving ourselves or giving love from a genuine place, do not feel deserving of love (and therefore have difficulty receiving love), are out of touch with who we are, and develop depression (from lack of connection to self).

  10. When in Harmony: We are fully connected to ourselves, cultivate joy easily, love and accept ourselves (and, as an extension, others). We give and receive love genuinely, and cultivate compassion for self and others.

  11. Physical Body Parts: Heart, Pericardium, circulatory system, lungs, shoulders, arms, ribs, breasts, diaphragm

  12. Life Lessons: To experience compassion and connection, with oneself and others

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, heart disease, asthma/allergies, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, lung disease, breast cancer, high blood pressure

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Love and hatred, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, forgiveness, compassion, hope, trust

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: Repressed Heartache or Grief

  16. Crystals: Rose Quartz, Emerald, Green Tourmaline, Jade, Green calcite, Green Kyanite

  17. Essential Oils: Rose, Neroli, Lavender, Lemon balm, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang

E. Throat Chakra

The first of the spiritual chakras is the throat chakra which has much to do with our true, authentic voice, where faith and understanding combine:

  1. Sanskrit Name: Vishudha

  2. Other Names: Fifth Chakra

  3. Location: At the front of the base of the neck, at the hollow of the collarbone

  4. Color: Blue

  5. Element: Sound

  6. Affirmation: "I Speak"

  7. Glands: Thyroid and Parathyroid

  8. Mantra: HAM

  9. When Out of Harmony: difficulty in speaking our truth or expressing ourselves, feel silenced and judged for what we say, feel out of alignment with who we are, and feel out of touch with our will to live.

  10. When in Harmony: Our will to live is strong and we are able to follow our dreams. We speak our truth - where we say what we mean and mean what we say. We express ourselves easily, creatively, and authentically, listen to our inner voice, and have a balance between silence and speech

  11. Physical Body Parts: Throat, Trachea, Neck vertebrae, Mouth, Teeth and gums, esophagus, hypothalamus, shoulders, arms and hands

  12. Life Lessons: To speak and receive the Truth

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, TMJ, Stiff Neck, Scoliosis, Swollen glands, Thyroid Problem

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Strength of will, personal expression, following one's dream, using personal power to create, choice, and capacity to make decisions, addiction, judgment, criticism, faith

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: Difficulty in expressing oneself, withholding or swallowing words, suppressing creative talents

  16. Crystals: Turquoise, Blue Kyanite, Aquamarine, Celestite, sodalite, Lapis lazuli

  17. Essential Oils: Lavender, Rosemary, German chamomile, Frankincense, Hyssop

F. Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is associated with our "sixth sense"; its the center of our wisdom, spiritual insight, and intuition

  1. Sanskrit Name: Ajna

  2. Other Names: Sixth Chakra, Brow chakra, Forehead Chakra

  3. Location: Between the eyebrows

  4. Color: Indigo

  5. Element: Light

  6. Affirmation: "I See"

  7. Glands: Pineal

  8. Mantra: UUUUUU like OM but without M

  9. When Out of Harmony: We focus only on our intellect and reject all spiritual aspects of ourselves. We do not trust (nor are aware of) our intuition, are only able to see the physical reality in life, and carry a lot of fear in regards to our inner wisdom.

  10. When in Harmony: We invite our intuition and awareness into everyday aspects of life. We trust our inner vision and act upon what our intuition tells us (which makes it stronger). We have a deep knowing beyond what we can physically see, and are even in touch with our clairvoyance (The gift of taking in intuitive information through sight and vision).

  11. Physical Body Parts: Brain, Nervous system, Eyes, Ears, Nose

  12. Life Lessons: To use insight and intuition, to see past the physical

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Brain Tumor/Hemorrhage, Stroke, neurological Disturbances, Blindness, Deafness, Full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, headaches, blurred vision

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Self-evaluation, Truth, Intellectual abilities, Feelings of adequacy, openness to the ideas of others, ability to learn from experience, emotional intelligence

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: A lack of trust in one's intuition

  16. Crystals: Amethyst, Fluorite, Lepidolite, sugilite, Clear quartz, Star Sapphire, Lapis lazuli

  17. Essential Oils: Lavender, Frankincense, Sandalwood

G. Crown Chakra

The last of the spiritual chakras is the Crown chakra. It is a source of connection to the Divine and our Higher selves.

  1. Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

  2. Other Names: Seventh chakra

  3. Location: At the top and center of the head

  4. Color: Purple, White, Gold

  5. Element: Thought

  6. Affirmation: "I Know"

  7. Glands: Pituitary

  8. Mantra: OOOOOMMMM

  9. When Out of Harmony: We feel totally disconnected from the Divine/Source/Universe/God/dess. We may even have anger at God, we have difficulty trusting our path and our lives in general. We feel depressed, alone, unsatisfied with life, unable to let go of anxiety and fear.

  10. When in Harmony: We live in the knowledge of unity - the idea that we are all connected. We understand that we are individual reflections of the Divine, trust that we are connected to the Divine, and understand that our individual identity goes beyond the physical form. We are also more able to easily elevate our consciousness.

  11. Physical Body Parts: Muscular system, Skeletal system, Skin, Cerebral Cortex, Central Nervous System

  12. Life Lessons: To experience the divine meaning of life

  13. Physical Dysfunction: Energetic disorders, depression, chronic exhaustion that is not linked to physical disorder, extreme sensitivity to light/sound/other environmental factors, confusion, apathy, alienation

  14. Mental/Emotional Issues: Ability to trust life, values, ethics, courage, selflessness, ability to see the larger pattern or picture, faith, inspiration, spirituality, devotion

  15. Possible Causes Of Energy Blocks: Lack of trust in the Divine or life, unresolved anger toward the Divine

  16. Crystals: Amethyst, Clear quartz, Herkimer diamond, Moonstone, Selenite, White Topaz

  17. Essential Oils: Peppermint, Frankincense, Sandalwood and Lotus

Harnessing the power of chakras:

Following are the number of different methods you can use at home to help heal our chakras:

  1. Meditations and Visualizations - Meditation is a form of mental exercise that trains the mind to stay focused on a particular object, goal, or sensation, such as your breath. It is a way to calm your mental chatter. By maintaining a specific focus, like the breath, a mantra, or another tool, the mind can stop wandering and getting lost in thoughts, emotions, or other mental distractions. Envisioning the colors or flow within a chakra can help you connect to them and strengthen them.

  2. Changing Old Habits - Breaking old habits can help you heal imbalances in your chakras by creating new, healthier habits. This involves becoming aware of a problem behavior or bad habit, and then work to change that behavior, or respond differently.

  3. Practicing Yoga - There are different Yoga styles - for example - kundalini yoga uses specific physical poses, chanting, breathing techniques, and meditation to try to awaken the kundalini energy that moves through our chakras.

  4. Using Crystals and Essential Oils - Crystals are used to draw out or redirect energy, as well as to develop the strengths associated with a particular stone. They are also used to rebalance and heal. Essential oil therapy is an ancient healing practice that involves using natural, often fragrant, compounds that exist in many types of plants for their curative properties.

  5. Get the most out of our food - Food is not only a way to sustain your physical body, but a way to support your energy body as well - the foods you eat can help your chakras heal energetically.

Different People feel drawn to different healing techniques. If you are experiencing physical problems, it may help to begin with dietary changes, yoga, massage, acupuncture, and other bodywork first. If your struggles relate to the mind or heart - meditation, crystal work, or essential oils might be a good starting point.



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