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Rahu (North node of moon) Mahadasha - Career issues - The Wanderlust - My Story!

Updated: Nov 26, 2022

Rahu compels you to make poor choices in career and in life in general! During inauspicious Rahu Mahadasha you are likely to face many job related problems. You can become a zero from hero. How-much ever intelligent you are, you may make wrong decisions being under illusion and shed tears later. Don't worry rather be courageous and accept failures as stepping stones for success.

Positive effects – Transformation and Growth with repetitive efforts

Negative effects – Feeding Ego by chasing Desires and illusion

My Advice – Do not give up, Perseverance is the key

How it ruined my career? I have always been a very bright student, topping in every class in school. I also participated actively in sports and other co-curricular activities. I always knew I’m smart and intelligent. Surprisingly this went against me; when I got hit by Rahu Mahadasha in 2001. I was in 11th grade (merely 16 yrs old). Too naïve to understand anything about Rahu and its impact. I had no idea I was under the influence of Rahu until 2011 (lasted till 2018). I didn’t do well in 10th and no one could understand the sudden decline of my performance in school. So my mom decided to contact an astrologer. He said, I’m going to do something big in Science. Which resonated with me because I always had a deep love for science. So I did Bachelors and Masters in Biotechnology. But honestly, I did not enjoy it even a bit. Simply did it for the sake of it because I did not like any other subject besides Biology. On the other hand I also had the option of pursuing Hotel management. Wish I had accepted the offer but I didn't, thinking Biotech sounds pretty cool and is going to get me name and fame. So I went for Biotech, but you know why, also because that astrologer fed into my mom’s head that I’m made to do something big in Science. And I got really happy thinking that yes this will bring me fortune and it got embedded in my subconscious mind. This is Rahu playing again! I made two mistakes here, one – Not acknowledging that I didn’t not enjoy studying science in high school still went ahead and pursued it based on the astrologers prediction. Two – Not knowing my own self - that what do I want to do in life, what do I actually enjoy doing? The point is when you know who you are that’s when you make the right choice for yourself. You come from a place of unconditional Love for yourself and to serve others. I just didn't listen to myself. I was in the wonderland of thinking once I get the job, it will be all fine. But it never ends because you are simply feeding your EGO through Rahu. It just won't let you make the right choice, because that's Rahu's nature.

Then I moved to America and pursued another Masters in Forensic Science. This time I had the choice between MBA and Forensic Science. I chose Forensic over MBA. One more mistake of my life! I went ahead and did it even though something inside me was saying, let's do something playful, something light. But I couldn't find the answer for it, so I became a victim of Forensic Science. If you guys can resonate with a situation like this then, I would recommend getting a horoscope analysis of your chart from some Astrologer or Pause and take some time off for yourself; sit, meditate and look for answers within. Explore your opportunities as much as you can before deciding upon anything.

I would like you to observe the pattern here!

I’m making choices based on the wrong reasons: one - I know I’m smart and intelligent and so I can do it (doesn't mean you will excel in it). Two - calling myself a Forensic Scientist will sound amazing and people will think I'm the SHIT! At that point I didn't realize that I was doing it out of EGO. I was doing it because I wanted to do something out of the Box or something different. But did I have the passion to do it? Yes, initially, a little bit of passion may be because while I was doing it, I was fascinated by how they were using DNA to solve criminal cases. I even wrote an article and got it published. But did I have an immense passion for it? NO NEVER! Yes, Rahu is to be blamed here because after all it's your EGO that's running the show. It keeps you in the illusion and gives you a fake strength and power to go for it. It just wants more and more out of you. You will always have this urge to try something new. No one job or place will get you satisfaction. You will always find yourself running after your desires unknowingly. Rahu's intention behind this is to help you realize that you won't be able to determine what you like until you do something that you don't really like. Malefic Rahu works by the process of elimination. I got so blind that I outsmarted myself in picking the right career for me and was merely collecting degrees as a symbol of success. I realized this after working in the corporate industry for 4+ years. It finally dawned upon me - I’m in the wrong profession! Then I decided to try another profession. I took a job in IT - Healthcare. Worked in IT for few months, liked it, but didn't feel confident so went back to science lab. Had second thoughts about it too. Can you guys relate that I'm just jumping back and forth between the two jobs like a wanderlust. Not being able to set my mind to one thing. Couldn't find the balance because I'm being controlled by my ego unconsciously. Finally I acknowledged one thing that that’s the reason I’m just surviving and not progressing. I gained this insight in 2016 after about making unsuccessful attempts in trying everything. So for 16 years I was just doing a donkey labor expecting to rise and shine but failing miserably. That's when I knew it was time for change! And boy my life took a drastic TURN!

Cause – Feeding ego, not reflecting upon your inner soul, lack of courage to say NO to something you don’t like, not asking for help, not being true to your heart

Effect - Donkey labor, not making progress in life, simply surviving not thriving, complaining for your own ignominious choices, Lack of purpose and direction in life

Redemption – Listen to your heart, be honest with yourself, think outside the box, be open to everything, find your authentic self, be creative, feed your soul.

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