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Hi! I'm Zara (Vishi)


I am the Founder and CEO of

To become a BUTTERFLY, METAMORPHOSIS is necessary!

If the caterpillar never went through this process of change; it would never achieve its greatest destiny and become its most glorious self!


Zara means a Star or a Flower. Pagoda means a Buddhist Temple or a Sacred Building.

Spiritually it refers to - Evolution of the SOUL within the sacred body; in order to attain its highest self!

We are all told, “Live your Life to the Fullest." I am here to do just that.

Zarainpagoda serves as a vessel to project my painful yet valuable experiences, the lessons learnt through SPIRITUAL AWAKENING (Spontaneous Kundalini Activation) process that inspired me to transform and align with my soul’s purpose!

I speak from my real life experiences!! My intention is to spread the knowledge, raise human consciousness, and help others alleviate their suffering. What I experienced was amazing! I experienced lower levels of stress and anxiety, increased productivity, high sexual drive (aka - creative energy), drastic increase in functional lifespan, better memory, and a more pleasant personality.


I quit my job in 2016, separated from my husband and underwent a spontaneous KUNDALINI AWAKENING during an eclipse in Jan 2017. Woke up saying Cause, Effect and Redemption. This means breaking free from a karmic cycle of resentment issues by releasing the karmic burden that my soul had been carrying from past many lives. For the whole month I was waking up between 3 am and 5 am and was guided to do Surya Namaskar Yoga (Sun Salutations). I had never done Surya Namaskar before in my life, some divine force woke me up and pushed me to do it.

I also had vivid and lucid dreams in the form of visions that I wrote down and found that it carried a profound message for me. I no longer resonated with old stuff. I wanted to change everything around me instantly. In astrology they call it THE SHIFT from Rahu (the illusion) to Ketu (the Divine) and that changed my focus dramatically. I went out in the park and had a stillness of thought  - where I experienced my entire ego melted and I saw everyone as one - a moment of Samadhi - what we call as PURE BLISS (aka unity consciousness)! 

I had no idea what was happening with me!! I felt completely lost! But it did push me to start searching along "Why is this happening with me? What is it trying to teach me and What is the purpose of all this?"

After doing some deep research and contacting many astrologers, I found out that 

I was separated from my soul up until now and I just got my soul back after the entire karmic baggage was released during eclipse. It changed my entire Belief System and I started progressing along the path of SPIRITUALITY!!

Had numerous Metaphysical (supernatural/clairvoyant/premonitions) experiences!

My astrologer said to take a class in Metaphysics! You are GIFTED!


But I didn't take it seriously!! I was like - I come from a background of science and

you are asking me to do TAROT CARD READING?? NO WAY!! Notice how my EGO plays out!


Yes, that's why Kundalini is called the Dance of the Consciousness! (The Battle between Ego & Soul)


It wakes you up! It's the awakening of the personal power. For me this was challenging because I had been under the influence of north node of moon (Rahu) for 18 years. In that whole cycle. I was separated from my soul. Which means I was operating from EGO all that time. I would cry and just complain "why isn't my health working? why am I not making progress in my career? why are all my relationships suffering??"

I found all my answers through spiritual awakening process! What we also call as the Dark Night of the Soul. Because it shows you the dark side of your soul that needs to be healed within you, so that, the part of the soul - waiting to be expressed can take its truest form


But the process was so overwhelming that it took me 3 years to actually get in sync and figure out what it was trying to teach me. Half of the times, I misinterpreted the downloads I received during awakening. 


I learnt that Kundalini is a food for spiritual body/ a prerequisite for achieving Spiritual Enlightenment


Enlightenment means clearing out our mind of every trace of EGOISM.

The biggest karmic lesson for me was to learn to Forgive and be Grateful for everything I have!


My dreams were telling me to shed all layers of EGO and reunite with my husband.

But it took me three years to understand that because it takes a lot of inner work to do upon yourself, since, we have so multiple layers around our soul. Also, I had problems in letting go and forgiving. Hence, the biggest lesson of my awakening was Forgiveness and Gratitude!


I was in a hermit mode for 2 years digging for answers and discovered that I'm in a TWIN FLAME (11:11) journey. Initially I resisted it, because the visions I had were confusing and so they were hard to decode. I tried taking help from counsellors and astrologers, all they said was "become Spiritual." 

The best way to work around it is to surrender to it completely!

Have faith in Divine!

Trust that the Benevolent Force (Kundalini) knows the way and will guide you to your soulmate! (SHAKTI knows where her SHIV is! 😀)

The truth is I am a Natural Empath, so I pick up energies!! (my receiving channel is energy). I was self - realized 3 times (1st - Feb 2017, 2nd - Sept 2018, 3rd - Nov 2019). Finally I accepted that I had been chosen as a light-worker to help people

awaken and expand their consciousness.


And the message for me was to help myself first through my awakening experience, identify my own broken parts of the soul, heal them and then share it with my husband to transform my relationship with him. 


Also, to share and spread the love and light in the world!!

Since, then I have worked upon myself to develop UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and COMPASSION towards others and dedicate myself completely to helping people expand their consciousness.

I also suffered from numerous health issues like sinus, shortness of breath, heartburn, bloating, digestion issues, low vitality, leaky gut, weight gain, SIBO, Mold infection, backache, Pain in legs, constipation, and brain fog etc. for 18 years during Rahu Mahadasha. Went from doctor to doctor, and mostly all of my problems went undiagnosed. But I never gave up!

During the last year of my Rahu (north node of moon) mahadasha, I myself

dived deep into searching for answers to my health issues. After numerous hurdles I was able to diagnose my own problems and was recommended to take a Holistic/Naturopathic (Functional nutrition) approach vs. Allopathic.

I got so obsessed with studying the ins and outs of it that my friends and family always found me giving advice on such matters and pushed me to share it with the world. So, I decided to hone my skills by studying Functional Medicine Nutrition and Ayurveda, and spread the knowledge via this blog and my youtube channel - ZIP YOUR HEALTH.

Three Books that changed my Life:

1. Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Who is he? He is my Favorite! 😁😍

2. Zero Limits by Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew Len

Who is he? Someone who could Hypnotize me with his writing!!!

3. Power of Now by Eckart Tolle

Who is he? Someone who taught me how to live with 

people around me!

My Credentials Then:

  • Master’s in Forensic Science (DNA Track), UC Davis, CA

  • M.Sc in Biotechnology, India

  • B.Sc in Biotechnology, India


My Credentials Now:

  • Studying Functional Medicine Nutrition at Functional Nutrition Alliance with Andrea Nakayama (California)

  • Studying Ayurveda at Mt. Madonna Ayurvedic Institute (Santa Cruz)

  • Tarot Card Reader

  • Spiritual/ Intuitive Counsellor

  • Certified Kundalini Kriya Yog Teacher

  • Twin Flame Coach

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