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Note: If you are tired of going to Traditional/Conventional Doctors (meaning - Allopathic, Homeopathic etc) and have had no luck in getting the right treatment, I recommend you all to try out - Functional Nutrition or Integrative Medicine approach. This is a Holistic approach to treat your chronic illnesses/diseases. It focuses on treating the cause of the disease than just the symptoms. I have wandered for 18 years from doctor to doctor in vain - not finding the right cure until I reached out to a Functional Nutrition Doctor.

Disclaimer: This Website may provide information related to exercise, fitness, diet and is intended for your personal use and informational purposes only. You should CONSULT WITH A PHYSICIAN before beginning any exercise, fitness, diet, or nutrition routine, especially if you are pregnant or have pre-existing health conditions. Nothing contained in this site should be considered as medical advice or diagnosis. Your use of the website is solely at your own risk.


23. The detrimental effects of Caffeine from a more traditional Eastern (Ayurveda) point of view.


As a societal norm and American obsession, the topic on caffeine regarding our health can be a loaded subject. The US has been reported as the highest consumer of coffee beverages, with an incredible 83% average of adults that are reported coffee drinkers (according to the National Coffee Associations 2013 survey). Although there have been some recent optimistic health benefits reported on the consumption of caffeine (and coffee), it seems to be a dwindling hope when compared with the long list of negative effects this stimulating substance provides.


An Ayurvedic Perspective (Courtesy – Svastha Ayurveda)

Ayurveda clearly states that caffeine is tri-doshically disruptive, meaning it will increase Vata (air element), Pitta (fire element) and Kapha (water and earth element); meaning it is indeed harmful for every-body. 

The positive effects of caffeine seem mostly unreliable, counterintuitive (i.e. caffeine is good for tinnitus), and unsupportive by data or even logic. The positive effects that do hold up will most definitely have a healthier alternative with the same effect. For example, although it is claimed that caffeine wards off Alzheimer’s disease, it has been clinically proven that turmeric will have the same effect; all while cleansing the blood, strengthening the liver, reducing inflammation, and increasing digestion.  Similarly, coffee is said to be a good source of antioxidants, although I am sure a handful of blueberries will provide a larger dose of these nutrients without any of the negative side effects.


 Negative Effects of Caffeine on people with Vata Dosha (air element)


  • Increases anxiety, fear, and nervousness

  • May cause jitteriness, shakiness, dizziness, and muscle tremors

  • Sets off the fight or flight mode

  • Causes restless sleep and insomnia

  • Decreases digestion

  • May cause gas and bloating

  • Causes vasoconstriction in the body (poor circulation)

  • Causes vasoconstriction to the brain (one study shows by 27%), reducing long-term cognition, memory, and focus 

  • May cause accelerated or irregular heartbeat

  • Causes excessive calcium to be flushed out of the system (via the urine), potentially leading to brittle bones and osteoporosis

  • Negatively effects the absorption of zinc, magnesium, iron, and other minerals

  • Overuse may promote dehydration and dryness in the body

  • Taxes the adrenals, with potential to worsen or cause adrenal fatigue


 Negative Effects of Caffeine on people with Pitta Dosha (Fire element)


  • Increases blood pressure for up to 2-3 hours after consumption

  • Increases irritability, frustration, anger, and short temper

  • Taxes the liver

  • Increases heat in the body

  • Increases inflammation in the body

  • Causes gout flare-ups

  • Irritates the GI tract and worsens conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis

  • May create excessive heat in the bladder and can worsen UTI symptoms

  • Overuse may lead to headaches or migraines

  • Interferes with neurotransmitters that govern mood and stress

  • Causes loose stools or diarrhea by increasing peristalsis and leading to malabsorption of vital nutrients 

  • May cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in some individuals

  • Overuse may cause hyperacidity, heartburn, and gastric ulcers

  • Overuse may cause sour stomach, nausea, and vomiting


Negative Effects of Caffeine on people with Kapha Dosha (Water element)


  • Taxes the kidneys and bladder

  • Overuse may lead to fibrocystic changes in the breast tissue

  • Increases appetite

  • Decreases digestion

  • Releases the stress hormone cortisol, a leading cause of midsection weight gain

  • Impairs glucose metabolism and is not recommended for anyone with Type 2 diabetes

  • Causes polyuria (increased urination)


General Negative Effects of Caffeine

  • Overuse may cause hormonal imbalance

  • Increases PMS symptoms

  • May cause urinary incontinence or worsen a preexisting condition

  • May reduce fertility in females by as much as 27%

  • Worsens menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, mood swings, etc.)

  • Increases the release of the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine

  • Coffee contains high levels of Acrylamide, a known carcinogenic, the darker the roast, the higher the Acrylamide levels

  • Addictive, creates physical dependency

  • May cause mania in Bipolar Disorder

  • May negatively interact with medications such as antibiotics, thyroid medication, psyche meds and depression drugs

24. LIVER DAMAGE: Do you find hard to lose weight? Do you feel pain in the lower back, shoulder blades and stiffness in the Neck - on right side?

They say you can live without kidney but you can't live without Liver!!

Liver is body's Filtration system - major organ for detoxification. Filters out Microbes, Drug and Dead cells from the body as an immune function. Every Hormone, Chemical, Bacteria, Virus, Fungus and Parasite is filtered through the Liver. It is similar to an oil filter in your car. When the Liver gets damaged over the years, toxins that are normally filtered out can recirculate through the body, re-exposing delicate glands to harmful compounds triggering a toxic overload. The Liver has over 500 known functions and carry fat burning hormone that works through the liver. Now if you are finding it hard to lose weight thats a sign that your liver is damaged. 

Symptoms of Liver Damage:

1. Hard to lose weight - no matter how hard you exercise

2. Pot Belly Appearance

3. Pain, felling of fullness and dull pressure under the right rib cage in upper abdomen

4. Lower back Pain, pain in Shoulder blades, pain in Mid back and in the right shoulder that travels all way up to        your neck  - giving you a feeling of stiffness in the neck

5. Bloating, gas, acid reflux and indigestion when you eat fatty foods and refined grains

6. Arthritis and Joint pain in hands, ankles, knees and right shoulder

7. Bad Skin and acne, brown spots on your body - on the back of your hand

8. Brain Confusion and memory loss

9. You get tired for a while after each meal

Causes of Liver Damage:

1. Multiple Nutritional deficiencies especially - Deficiency of B vitamins. This occurs when you eat refined foods. For example - Bred, Pasta, Cereals, Crackers and Flour products. These products are enriched with B vitamin. But during refining process - B vitamins are lost. So take a good food based B vitamin supplement (Naturello is a good brand) not some synthetic one. Nutritional Yeast is also a good source of B vitamin. Sprinkling 1 teaspoon on your food will do the magic.

2. When you take excessive antibiotics, it jeopardizes your gut flora. Therefore, you become deficient in Good bacteria because antibiotics remove good and bad bacteria both from your body. That puts a lot of load on your liver. To combat the load take high quality probiotics (Mega-sporebiotic is a good brand). You can also consume more fermented foods such as Pickles, Apple Cider Vinegar, Kimchi and Sauerkraut. 

3. When consuming processed food, too much alcohol, and foods prepared high in MSG. You see swelling in your hands and feet next day. Thats a sign of Edema - blood pressure increase and water retention. Owing to high blood pressure, many people avoid salt or sodium, which is good, but why not increase the opposing mineral potassium? Consume large quantities of potassium rich food - such as Avacado, Leafy greens, Kidney Beans, Honeydew melon and sea kelp.

Remedial solutions:

1. Go for the CT scan of Liver, Gall bladder and Kidney. It will not show up in ultrasound

2. Drink Ash-gourd juice. King of all juices in detoxifying your body. One glass empty stomach in the morning.

3. Try Healthy Liver detox Bitters from Urban Moonshine

4. Liver detox from Bioray is also highly potent

5. Castor oil packs are highly effective in detoxifying liver

6. NAC Capsules (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) - detoxifies at the cellular level- Take only by the recommendation of your Medical Practitioner


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